Hello, I have two interesting horoscopes in the link she (pisces) conjunctions: Saturn,Uranus, Neptune (Capricorn - 2nd House) and Mercury, Venus (Aquarius - 3rd House) +Joint connection with a He: Mars,Jupiter (Taurus - 7th House) and Moon near his Libra and Pluto Scorpio - 12th but He (libra) has Mars,Jupiter and also Uranus, Neptune conjunctions (Capricorn 5th House) +and Venus ,Saturn, Pluto conjunctions (Scorpio 4th House) Ascendent are the same each other: she in 11 th house (libra) and he in 8,9th House (pisces) So is the difference in these conjunctions of different places Saturn <-> Neptune and Venus conjunction.. https://scontent.fwaw3-1.fna.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/12038272_1497767313871536_240825322486377691_n.jpg?oh=0b0b3b06c841a8bd4ef1d16cd8460e35&oe=56A8D3C5 1) Whether they are twin souls with shared power? e.g. her Moon near his Libra and Pluto and common Mars,Jupiter conjunctions and Ascendent.. 2) How they could meet destiny due to positions Mars / Venus houses? 3) Whether they destined bad fate? because of e.g. she had Saturn,Uranus, Neptune conjunctions and he had Venus ,Saturn, Pluto conjunctions.. Best regards for your help
See that: The fish is the twelfth sign, a composite of all that's gone before, and his nature is a blend of all the other signs, which is quite a lot to cope with. His surprising ability to organize and concentrate on detail which pops up now and then, as well as his gentleness, reflects his inner knowledge of the lessons of Virgo. His judgment is as fair and detached as that of Libra, and his love of pleasure is also purely Libran. Pisces people have the crazy sense of fun of Cancer, as well as both the Cancerian sympathy and crabbiness. They're sometimes full of the Sagittarian outspoken frankness and generosity, as fun-loving and outgoing as Leo, yet as devoted to duty as Capricorn, and often just as envious of social distinction. There may also be a smattering of the Saturnine melancholy. Perhaps more than just a smattering. The fish can be as moody as a Moon child and as happy as a lion. He likes to tease and analyze in Aquarian fashion. He's often overflowing with Aries idealism and enthusiasm, but usually without the Mars drive. A Pisces person can zip around with Gemini quickness, talk just as fast and think just as cleverly. He can also be as lazy and peaceful as Taurus. He has the clever wit of Mercury and the soft grace of Venus, and he combines it with the mystic penetration of Scorpio, without the Scorpio's ruthlessness.