Recurring memories of people.

Discussion in 'Hippie Wisdom' started by Bilby, Oct 17, 2021.

  1. Bilby

    Bilby Lifetime Supporter and Freerangertarian Super Moderator

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    Do you ever get recurring memories who were in your life years ago? Examples for me:
    1. As a civilian cook in the army a military cook who was snobbish, fat , lazy arrogant pig talked to me in the most condescending manner. He was the only military cook ever to get complaints working with me but he would nit pick my work, come up with retrospective instructions and micro-manage. For a while, he conducted a smear campaign against me until I had the chance to fight back. His parents it would seem forgot to tell him that people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Essentially a big kid and a loser. He was ambitious but did not like people. it showed up in his cooking.
    2. In the same workplace another military cook who did not hold me in the highest regard. He had complaints when not working with me but never working with me. I thought that was ungrateful. I generally found his perceptive to be delusional and not wanting to admit what Blind Freddy could see. He was also a bit too easily enchanted.
    3. At drama classes a few years ago -there were only 3 of us in the class- a woman in the class right from the start gave me the cold shoulder. She does not want to date me? Fine by me. I have 2 theories. (1) she had been in an abusive relationship and I reminded her of him; (2) she had Endometriosis. Even though I doubt she feels the same about me, I would like to see her succeed as an actor.
    Maybe I am still mentially digest all the issues. There have been other people who I have had recurring memories but over time have mentally digested issues and no longer think about them. Am I normal?
  2. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    Nah... I tend to not remember people. Easier that way...
  3. newo

    newo Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    Memories can work weirdly. I can remember some rather insignificant things in my life and some people I met but barely knew. Other times someone says to me, "Remember the time we..." and I have no recollection of what they're talking about. And now and then an old memory will pop into my head and I'll think, "Oh wow! I had completely forgotten about that!"

    But they say you never completely forget about anything, that everything you've ever experienced is buried in your subconscious, and under hypnosis you can recall it. But why we keep some memories and lose others is a mystery.
    Toker likes this.
  4. jimandjan

    jimandjan Member

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    The Whacko. A guy most people considered a nut case. Always talking about the world coming to an end. But for some reason I remember him saying; There will be no safe drinking water some day. Maybe I am paranoid, but when I look at all the crazy shit going on in the world I start to wonder.
    The last thing I want to hear is him saying; I told you so.
  5. CurtisCCheck

    CurtisCCheck Members

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    It is unique to envision this and remember these people in your lifetime. Sometimes you can get lucky and remember why you don't talk to them anymore. Embrace what you know from who they were and from what you are now afterwards. Nobody is normal.

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