peter piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. she sells seashells down by the sea shore. rubber baby buggy bumpers.
how much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood? a wood chuck would chuck as much wood as a would chuck could chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood
Damn wood chuckers...heh heh How much wood could Chuck Woods' woodchuck chuck, if Chuck Woods' woodchuck could and would chuck wood? If Chuck Woods' woodchuck could and would chuck wood, how much wood could and would Chuck Woods' woodchuck chuck? Chuck Woods' woodchuck would chuck, he would, as much as he could, and chuck as much wood as any woodchuck would, if a woodchuck could and would chuck wood.
I'm gonna try the woodchuck thing: Hoooowwwwwwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... and I'm spent. Damn that's hard.
Hello there. An ancient legend says a beautiful Chinese girl called Chang Ho has been living there for four thousand years. It seems she was banished to the moon because she stole the pill of immortality from her husband. You might also look for her companion, a large Chinese rabbit who is easy to spot since he is always standing on his hind feet in the shade of a cinnamon tree. The name of the rabbit is not reported.
Okay, I'll add to the silliness... Fuzzy wuzzy was a bear, fuzzy wuzzy had no hair. Fuzzy wuzzy wasn't fuzzy was he?
That would mean that you weren't important at the time. Anything I'm in to I devote my full attention. (Unless ADD or bordom gets in the way.)
best way to reach nirvana while fucking is singing some tantric mantras such us ohm manhi pad mehummmmmmmoooooooooooohhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm and repeat again and again