As a sub gay guy who lives to receive cock I wonder is there a difference with a straight woman who also loves to receive cock, whether in her vagina or ass. Apart from the erotic sensation of being fucked does the woman experience the same feeling of being taken and controlled, of submitting to the man and his engorged cock, of the incredible power that builds up in him as he nears his climax. Does she have the same feeling as I have of pleasure in his satisfaction, his orgasm, of submitting? I know that when my top wraps his arms around me with his cock ploughing me deep I experience a huge pleasure of being used and fucked, of submitting to his desire. While a woman quite possibly also has an orgasm close to his or simultaneously I wonder if the sensation of being fucked by a guy is similar for a woman as a sub gay guy Simon
Billions of people do it. Half of those are women. I’d say it’s a safe guess to say they like it. I always tell my wife that I love being inside her. I’ve asked her what it feels like to be penetrated and the short answer if always “it feels incredible”. If the tables were turned and I was a woman for a day, I’d love to be able to experience that. I’ve read that some EXTREME feminists consider each and every penetrative sexual act between a man and a woman to be rape, whether wanted or not. Even for the sake of (and intent) having children. That’s just one of those things that make me wonder WTF is wrong with some people??
My first wife totally loved having sex, she needed to have sex and stated many times having her vagina filled up is what had always brought her to orgasm. Fast forward to when she became an anal slut...OMG, she said the feeling and the orgasms were 200% more intense and rarely asked for vaginal sex for the next 12 years. Yes, she loved being taken, being plunged into, being dominated at times, getting seriously fucked until she collapsed from physical and orgasmic exhaustion. Yes, I believe most women into men feel the same way.
I have always wondered if gay men do it better actually. With all of the gals over my lifetime that sucked mine, only one girl can I say was really-really into it. Loved doing it. The rest were 50/50... sometimes when really horny they got into it, and then others never liked it. I would guess nearly all gay dudes like doing it. So I would think the experience would be better... I don't know.