1. fake and phony 2. already ran for president 08 lost to obama.(how many times can u run before its sad ? ) 3. fake marriage to her womanizing husband ex president Bill clinton 4. 100% politician 5. owned by wallstreet 6. loves power 7. cant stay out of the white house 8. already has pledged delegates for nomination which is unDEMOCRAITC 9. is picking satan as her vp because they have worked together for many years 10. she is evil ok--9 and 10 are an opinion but how could anyone with a brain like hillary clinton ? pretty sad people are so bias and will still vote for her
At least Hillary won't be raising our taxes exponentially to pay for her programs - like Bernie would. The bottom line is most Americans either can't afford to pay for Bernies proposals or they don't wish to pay for them. This includes a clear majority of Sanders supporters who understand the tax liabilities of supporting his programs. Please do your homework people. Because I doubt any of you wish to pay thousands of dollars a year in additional income taxes, that would likely come out of each and every paycheck you receive - before you receive it.
Approximately 60% of eligible voters cast ballots on election day. But, that's fine. It's your money. But it's not really at risk. You see in order for Bernie to have even a modicum of hope in winning the presidency, he'd need to win his home state of New York on Tuesday, which of course he can't do. Then he'd need to also have a Super Majority in both Houses of congress - to even have his policies considered by a democratic majority. So, any discussions pertaining to Bernie winning the presidency and the so-called reform policies he's likely to put into place is all smoke and mirrors.
I have done my homework and Sanders proposals wont touch anyone making less than 250,000 unless he passes a medicare for all which will be around a 2% increase but will save the average american money because healthcare is fucking out of control expensive if you havent noticed Do your own homework.
I have. My info comes from the non-partisan Tax Policy Foundation which is a part of the Brookings institute. Bernies programs will likely cost over twice as much as he estimates. If he can even get them enacted - which is doubtful. Like I said: most of Bernies supporters don't wish to pay for the programs he's proposing. Dreamers. http://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2016/4/14/11421744/bernie-sanders-tax-revolution
Bernard the tard and his commie/socialist bullshit will double the deficit, that's been proved time and time again, since the nut ball has attempted to run. Killary Cunton has already let Americans die. Continue to lie her ass off on all the scandals she has created or trying to brush under the rug. Bill just wants back for young intern pussy, when he's done with them, hrc will get some sloppy left over beaver! Both are so fucked in the head, the only votes for them will come from mental deficient people and trailer courts!
Your link leads to a Vox article that doesn't mention the Tax Policy Foundation that I can see. But it does end with:
"Add a new 6.2 percent tax on earnings, which employers pay — but will be passed on to workers over time in the form of lower wages, according to the Tax Policy Center's Roberton Williams." [SIZE=1.3em]http://www.urban.org/author/roberton-c-williams[/SIZE]
Chelsea will be the only person in US history that can say both of her parents were president of the US. How about that?
I love how the whole world talks about that like it's a law of nature and there's no other way things could go; is it ok that your boss will lower your wage if he has to pay a bit more in taxes? Sure, it's because he wants to make more money, but it's not like the tax is on you. The tax is on your boss, and then your boss turns around and does a second action, an action that many don't want to look at seriously, wherein he then takes this new tax and levies it right onto people who make far less than him. Why is it "common sense" that higher taxes for businesses will mean lower wages for employees? It's because the businesses have convinced you that there's no way you are touching their profits unless you want to see good jobs suddenly paying minimum wage. It's because we live in a plutocracy; it's because you don't question your assumptions. It's because bosses know that they don't have to pay a dime extra because nobody will blink if they slash wages in order to "protect the business". truth is 99% of businesses could afford paying 6% more in taxes AND NOT slashing wages, but they won't, and people like you will blame the government and blame social programs, instead of blaming the human beings behind the decision to slash wages. Remember, there is a living flesh and blood person sitting behind the desk writing the order to cut your salary. I'm interested in THAT person. I'm interested in THAT decision, and the assumptions and values that go behind it. Don't even waste my time by arguing that it's rational for businesses to protect their profits blah blah blah; it's rational for businesses to enslave the population and drive their fists into dissent, while charging an arm and a leg to breathe the air around you. The rationality of capitalism is deeply ill.
I'll sure as hell lower wages if I'd have to pay more tax under nard the tard! Common sense in business is to make money, not loose it! Best way about it, go to the halfwayhouse for ex cons, only have to pay them minimum wage and they will work like slaves just to be out! Other option is illegals, get the whole family for minimum wage! If I have to pay more, sure as fuck not coming out of my pocket!
Folks its time to get on the Hillary bandwagon because she is the inevitable democratic candidate, Consider for a moment a Trump or a Cruz presidency (who BTW makes Donald trump look like a left-wing radical by comparison) Hotwater
WE1 is a Hillbot. So at least his profile pic is accurate. Most Sanders supporters are behind him 100%, and we're not buying your bullshit mainstream media agenda. The fact is that Americans would save thousands of dollars under Bernie's plan. The only people who wouldn't save are the top 4%. They would end up paying more. Maybe you're a part of this 4% that doesn't want to pay more, or maybe you're just cozy inside of Hillary's vagina. http://usuncut.com/news/bernie-sanders-healthcare-plan-would-save-the-average-american-family-1200/ Yogi I don't think anybody's worried about your business failing. The only way I can conceive that anybody would care what you pay workers is maybe the possibility that you're employing children from Mexico as slave laborers. You're obviously a moron.