Really Weird Dream,

Discussion in 'Dreams' started by papa-bear, Nov 29, 2018.

  1. papa-bear

    papa-bear Members

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    hello all , I just found this place and I was wondering if someone would be willing to give me some input. I've always loved dreams, I have had major experiences with dreams and I have an idea of what they are capable of. (with out going into to much) I had a dream 2 nights ago that threw me for a loop. I am a lucid dreamer on occasion, I don't actively practice trying to lucid dream or set out to do it, but on occasion I will have a lucid dream and love it! I have one reoccurring lucid dream that i do not like at the end, But I know i am dreaming so it is not terrible. I just hate seeing it pop up. thats not what this is about - LOL ok so here goes. it freaks me out to type because it brings back the images.

    I would almost consider this a lucid dream , but not really Part one of the weirdness. I knew i was dreaming during parts of it, but seemed to forget during the heavy parts, then got reminded. But I could control myself throughout the whole thing, so it was merged with lucid/feeling like it really happend.
    Heres the dream:

    First thing I remember is walking through the kitchen into the living room (not a house I am familiar with, but I felt like I lived there or at least was very comfortable there) I saw my 18 year old and a bunch of figures that I assumed were his friends. I remember thinking that he must be having a get together playiong video games. As I walk I started feeling really dizzy and almost "Drunk " Like. I remember enjoying it at first (* I dont drink hardly ever anymore in my real life, on occasion, but hardly) and remembering that this was a dream so I should continue to drink. Then I remember that I had not had any alcohol to drink at all and I found it weird that I was feeling this way. I remember feeling shame that his friends would see me this way and assume I was an alcoholic and make fun of him or me. But the feeling was getting worse. I could not keep any balance and my vision was shifting and what i was seeing was circulating. I blacked out -
    Then I woke up in bed (what seemed like my current bed) I could only see black, but felt the covers over my head and still felt very drunk , almost as bad as before I blacked out. . Then I started feeling someone touch me and rub their hands up and down me , I remember thinking who could that be (Reality : MY wife went to sleep with my sick son, so I knew I was alone in bed) I remember thinking that I was in bed alone and this could be something bad. I pull the covers off of my head and I was laying on my right side. I see hands infront of me moving around (like someone is holding you from the back but their arms are stretched out) I remember starting to freak out a little because my first thought was there was a ghost or something evil in bed with me. Then I realized in the dream that it was indeed my wife and she was in the bed with me. I rolled over and started kissing her as it was apparent that she wanted sex, but then I realized how bad and uncoordinated I felt. I stopped kissing her and she asked me what was wrong. I told her that I felt plastered drunk, BUt I do not remember drinking anything at all. I do not remember what happened directly after that, but I remember thinking from her response that she did this to me. I started asking her if she had drugged me. She denied it, and I got very angry. After a minute of arguing, she admitted that she had drugged me, but it was because she planned a surprise. At that moment another nake woman appeared in the bedroom ( mind you , this feels and looks like My real bed, But this is not our bedroom but again, it felt like it was suppose to be) My wife then tells me if I am going to be this mad she she is not going to do anything. I immediately calm down and remember touching her breast and start kissing her. Then It flash forwards to me laying on the floor on my back with the other nake girl above my head. I remember my hands on her, and can distinctly remember what she felt like. at that point Another naked man shows up and walks to our area. I do not see my wife anywhere and dont remember thinking about her. I find it odd that the naked man is there but dont pay much attention, I keep my hands on the other naked girl. then I hear a noise at my feet and I see the naked man layin on his back with his feet closest to me. THen I hear the same noise again, and discover that he is in the process of being murdered (stabbed) over and over ( about 6 times) I realize that was the noise i had been hearing. I dont remember reacting to it. Then a flash of blinding light and the light fades. I a min another Girls bedroom. The color schem of the room led me to believe it was a girls bedroom. I was laying down, but it felt like i was trapped between the wall and a bed. there was a Female figure in fron of me dressed in all black , She had a hat and a black vail. When I noticed her it frightened me, and she said "I am here to kill all living things" and she raises her knive towards me. In the middle of this I notice a second figure Rise behind her dressed the same way. That figure reaches over her and stabs me before she can. I remember blacking out as soon as she did, and I remember feeling no sensation of pain or touch (but I knew where she stabbeded me. I remember feeling relieved that she had stabbed me because that ment it was over. BUt then I remember feeling sadness for someone ( not sure who specifically, but I remember thinking I could not comeback and they would be all alone) Then I wake up standing next to my wife in a completley different bedroom then I had seen before. She asked me what was wrong and told me that everything was going to be alright. I remember Looking at her and demanding that she pinch me. She refused, I scream and told her to pinch me, I did not feel anything so I knew instantly it was a dream. I told her that nothing was going to be ok becuase this was a dream and nothing else.

    At that point I woke scratching my head going WTF -

    See I told you it was kinda weird, What do you guys think ?
  2. themnax

    themnax Senior Member

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    i don't like that term 'lucid'.
    it implies other dreams aren't.
    in my dreams there is nothing i can't do that i can do in this one, though a few things i can do in only that universe because of how some things work differently.
    although i did suffer a lost of ability in a dream shaping contest inside of a dream once, this was because one of the other contestents had snuck some sort of psyionic control into my own mind preventing me. fortunately while he was pre-occupied with tormenting me, the third contestant in this round, managed to break me free and teleported me out of there,
    presumable resulting in a stalemate between the other two, and a disqualification for myself.

    laumer's night of illusions reminds me of yours, though in that work of fiction there were many many more levels.
    and story telling is one of the things that takes place withing the experiencing of dreaming.

    there have also been stories about creatures who's natural defense was to induce this sort of thing.
    well one more reason for me to believe dreams transport us to parallel universes, as well as tell us totally emersive live action stories.

    about that guy being stabbed though, i guess that could explain your yelling and someone to pinch you.
    dreams within dreams are not that unusual, though not common either.
    usually if i go to sleep in a dream, doing so teleports me back to this universe and waking up in it.

    well it doesn't mean your parallel self in another universe is a lush, after all you were told you had been mickey'd.

    having been an only child, who grew up remote from other relative then my parants, and never having had a family of my own,
    and lived most of my adult life, the happiest times of it, by myself, i have nothing to add or take away from your experience of that part of that,

    other then, the places i wake up in as my home, in my parallel dream universe, are several, at different times and places in it.

    the whole thing of being under the influence of something you didn't remember consuming,
    that sounds almost like, someone, another real person, or living thing of some kind,
    'messing' with your dreams. though it is unlikely they would have been able to monitor or observe what you specifically experience from their 'messing'

    well there are people who do that, and probably no maliciousness was intended.

    the guy being stabbed, the other husband supposedly, at this wife swapping thing the wife in the dream seems to have arranged,
    as some sort of 'gift'. i think your subconscous has this anxiety about her forming other relationships,
    well i can't pin down that this should have some specific other relationship,
    only that it is not unlikely for it to have many.

    i can't very well force myself into your dream world and become the great detective to track down whatever is actually going on there.
    but maybe you can find or become one in it.

    if i did show up, i'd be no hero, but possibly ok at finding out things. sexually i'd be like a cartoon in the sense of have no gender of either.

    i think i've rambled on and said nothing useful, but then again, maybe something in it might be.
    papa-bear likes this.
  3. papa-bear

    papa-bear Members

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    Interesting insights and thoughts!


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