So I've experienced twice the same weird and scary dreams. When I was in grade school I think and last last year. I'm not sure if it was just a dream or an OBE but in that dream or OBE I was flying in circle around my room watching myself sleeping then suddenly I there are these human shadow figures surrounding me screaming and laughing and after a few seconds i woke up. But the really weird thing when I woke up is that I felt EXTREMELY scared, but I know it was probably just a dream but I've never been scared like this before to the point that I want to run to my neighbors house; and I'm not the guy who gets scared off easily. Can someone interpret or help me wtf is going on on my mind. hahhaaha I know it was long ago, but I still think about it up until today.
You are probably scared of something, and your dreams are trying to bring that fear to the surface for you....
there is nothing unnatural about strangeness. if anything, it is our expectations of the lack of strangeness that are unnatural. what i have a hard time relating to is how and why some people find this frightening in and of itself. what i strongly suspect is this is something we are taught by how we grow up. the culture of our parents and peers.