There are three known lsd overdoses, at 320, 40, and 10 mg. The 40 and 10 survived. A realistic human ld50 for lsd is 100mg , or 10 mg in the right circumstances (empty stomach, dehydrated). Anything above 1mg will be profuse sweating to eliminate acid from the system. In other words lethal in humidity. People call lsd harmless but it is about as deadly as vx.
Most things have a theoretical LD50. You can even OD on water. The human body has limits. Do you know how much 100 mg of LSD is? It's thousands of times beyond a heavy trip dose. Few if any people will see that much and if they do chances are they are in the kind of group that KNOWS LSD very well because they are laying the sheets and selling it. The average user will never see 100mg. Believe me LSD is safe. Not sure if 100mg has been done but many MG are done at once by high end dealers as a right of passage. Why? Because they can and for some it's a way of earning the right to sell the LSD. You now know what it is and what it does so you probably respect that. It's not crack, it's not just money. Some networks don't care about proving that some do. The more interesting LD50 is NBOME to me. It's doing with a small dose what a huge dose of LSD does. Those OD"s have done a lot to ruin the reputation of tripping as "safe".