Whether you agree or disagree with this, you can understand why some men would 'feel' this way about such a saying. There are certain connotations to using this phrase, aren't there? I think I might try and use "I think" or "it seems to me..." in future.
On the one hand. But on the other, you will never an action hero using this phrase. Dirty Harry, Bond, Bruce Willis, etc.
I don't think they substitute for one another. I generally use "I think" for a deliberate, introspective or thought out response. "I feel" used more for a immediate, intuitive or speculative response.
do you consider "i feel" and "i feel like" to be the same thing? i can kind of see what you're saying with "i feel," but for some reason i feel like "i feel like" doesn't have quite the same connotation.
Yes. Likewise if one were to say "I've a bad feeling about this" or "I've a feeling he won't show up", doesn't have the same connotation.
I feel that it is beyond dumb that a man is supposed to in any way hide his emotions. Yes men feel we laugh, get angry, passionate, horny, and o shock horror we may even get sad, depressed, anxious and even cry. The whole idea that men are to hide / bottle up our emotions is a huge problem because the pressure in that bottle will keep building until it explodes and most often when it explodes it wont be in a healthy or productive way
Dirty Harry? James Bond? John McClane? C'mon now, you're not a real man unless you act like men who aren't real.
I never said it was fair, and I'm not saying it isn't a problem. But self control and stoicism is admired. Each gender has its burdens and this one is just part of being a man. Someone has to be the strong one who hides his emotions and instead gives their attention to other people's problems. People say one thing, and they mean another. Women say that men should talk about their problems more. I say to them "be careful what you wish for". Do we really want to think about what that would actually mean... if men got to talk about their problems too. It's not good for a man to depend on his woman for emotional reassurance. That's not what a woman wants in a man. Women like men because they lead them.
i don't think they do have the same connotation. to me, "i've a bad feeling about this" sounds like a paranoid, debbie downer type statement. "i've a feeling he won't show up" sounds like you know the guy and he has a history of not showing up. in my previous example, "i feel" sounds like the stereotypical 21st century man talking to his therapist, while "i feel like" is just stating how you perceive something that you don't have enough information about to give actual facts.