Hello, Do you know any actual hippies in real life? It seems like a valid question, considering how the hippie lifestyle is slowly dying off (as the original hippie generation starts to die off.) I know several neo-hippies. Grateful Dead listening, pot smoking, festival organizing, hula hooping 25-35 year olds. It seems to be a fad onto itself. Most of these people are old college friends who have managed to keep in touch with each other over the years and use fesetivals, shows, and such as locations for social gatherings. I live in a college town and there's barely a college aged hippie to be seen here. I remember, at least back in the day, you'd find several "hippies" on campus. It seems like those days are long and gone. How long do you think the entire "Hippie" fad, in its most original and groovy sense will last. Will it survive? Will there even be anything resembling the original hippies left in 20-30 years? If not, which fad is most likely to replace it? Do share your thoughts. Love, Sunshine Peace Meadow Hemp Lovestein
Well, absolutely never. I'm sure there are thousands of hippies there. I'm more interested in knowing about the hippie sub-culture in less "hippie" parts of the country.
I know and interact with real life hippies every day. They come in all ages and are heavily populated in my neighborhood. There are a couple of bars and a farm outside of town where they gather for music and good vibes. They also gather at the local park twice a week for potlucks, drum circles, fire spinning, and the like. It's a tight knit cirlce of good folks and I'm happy to be a part of it. They're fun to play with
Where do you see this community in 20 years or so? Do you think that the same kind of community could rise up from the next generation?
I'm in Kentucky....not particularly known for being hip. The hippies are way into bluegrass though. And moonshine.
Oh man. The Hippie forum would be better for that. Whatever traits I think of are irrelevant, just think of the definition of a "real life hippie" that comes to mind when you hear those words.
Sounds like the hippies I know. I'm pretty sure that they'll die out with this generation though. There doesn't seem to be anyone taking their place. The crowds at their festivals are getting older and more and more children show up. It seems more like a social club now, as I said.
I can see what your saying. But I see a lot of kids coming up taking place. The deadhead culture is morphing into something new. No it's not the same thing, but it encompasses the same atitude. I've always wondered when bluegrass music became popular with hippies. I thought it could just because I'm in Kentucky. Where are you at Sir? I thought you went home and joined the military
I think hippies like community and gravitate to the same places. I know there are some town that are full of them. I also think kids make a good portion of hippies because lots of hippies believe in procreating and a lot of those kids do end up appreciating that lifestyle and sticking with it. In expansion of the hippie movement is also things like new age, or yogic cultures and other types of peaceful spiritual and creative movements.
this. I know plenty of people that are counterculture in the sense that they are pissed off at the current system and are creating their own sense of community, complete with art and music. They don't necessarily fit into the typical hippie stereotype but the spirit is the same. I think the spirit will be there in subsequent generations and it has always been there in small pockets of counterculture, even before the hippies of the 60s.
Real hippies dont exist in England. They're just smelly students with shit clothes . Who spend 6months in Goa, bum around at college. Then get lent 10m by daddy to set up an investment bank/clothes brand. Or some such shit.
There are really two kinds of hippies: 1) The wannabes which occupy trendy college towns and hang around in groups. 2) The eccentric weirdos who live by themselves in the middle of nowhere and dance to the beat of their own drum. Some might look like actual hippies, but many don't. One is OK -- the other just annoying.