Real Id, Coming To A State Near You

Discussion in 'Latest Hip News Stories' started by Carlfloydfan, Dec 15, 2014.

  1. Carlfloydfan

    Carlfloydfan Travel lover

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  2. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    Yeah my state has already said they will fight it...then the feds with threaten to withhold highway funding, bla bla bla and the state will buckle.
    They got us by the short hairs, not enough tax revenue to maintain our own shit.
  3. SouthPaw

    SouthPaw Members

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    Interesting how they deflect blame for terrorists illegally entering the country and using fake ID's to the states, and not the federal governments inability....and refusal, to do their job and control our borders. Even more so considering states that have attempted to stem the tide of illegal immigrants have faced the wrath of Eric Holder and the justice department, all under the federal government's claim that only they have the authority to police the border.

    There's just no logic to any of it. All the different agencies of law enforcement and political parties and houses of Congress and its subcommittees all just do their own thing oblivious to what the others are doing. The incompetence and lack of leadership are astounding.....from both parties.
  4. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    i wouldn't care if the ID was passport worthy .. I dont think it is. so fuck it
  5. SouthPaw

    SouthPaw Members

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    Mine won't. The state I just left is (NH) but now I'm in CA which is all about controlling every aspect of your life. They'll comply. They probably already would have if they weren't so focused on developing driver's licenses for illegal immigrants. DHS keeps telling them to the change the design but CA keeps trying to make them look like regular driver's licenses. The DMV is a little too distracted to comply at the moment.

    I find it ironic they went out of their way to redesign the licenses for Under 21 to remove any shadow of a doubt as to their age, but put up a long drawn out fight for the licenses for illegals. It won't make any difference. They'll be legitimate, legal licenses. Make them pink, put stars on them, battery powered LEDs, it doesn't matter, so why waste money fighting DHS? I don't get it. Just make the darn licenses and get on with it already....
  6. SouthPaw

    SouthPaw Members

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    States will still issue and design their licenses. Big Brother just wants to dictate the information they print on the license (and probably security features) so won't be the same issuing authority. I doubt they'll ever be "passport worthy" as long as states issue them.

    States will refuse to give up their issuing authority because they generate revenue. Big Brother won't hand off issuing "passport worthy" documents because passports generate revenue. It'll all come down to money. I'm not sure why they care, they spend like drunken sailors regardless of how much money they actually have.

    I had to laugh at DHS claiming, "There's no national database", as if they don't have access to all the State databases whenever they want. That ludicrous statement is laughable and insulting.
    1 person likes this.
  7. Piney

    Piney Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    If you drive a WiFi connected vehicle, you are already there.

    Wait until your auto insurance company gets the print out of sudden stops and acceleration

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