I just want to say that man is neither white or black or can be dvided because of skin color. In fact all man in ancient times were black skinned...the first civilizations were built by black peoples. Ancient Sumer was the place of most mathematical and science basied understandings and later civilizations like Eygt mastered them and built the greater pyramids....the "whites" learned all this from the past civilizations ..ie the Greeks learned from Egypt, a dark people. White nations only came on the secen in any great strength by the Greeks...after they learned from the past...nothing special about it... this is fact YOu cannot get black skin variation from white skin....everyone was black once. White people now just lost melanin. Nothing racist here. also im white.
haven't seen you in a long time, welcome back. does this mean that people will keep getting lighter and lighter through the generations until everyone is completely albino white?
White people are stuck up, but I'll let the black people in on a little secret: We don't know anything special. Not that a lot of black people don't already know this, but they have to deal with all the ones who are fooled by the white fools. Not that all white people are fools. Etc. etc.
The black fella lived in little clay mud huts while the white man built Rome. Yeah, we're on the same page.
'White men' (romans) invented concrete and then lost it again Many lived in clay mud huts at the time of ancient Rome (and after). We can not claim a certain person's invention as if it was invented by our race rather than by the individual(s) that are really responsible for it People who do claim such things must be in need of some self esteem boost. Dub. Sorry, couldn't resist
Guys this thread was a response to this thread: http://www.hipforums.com/forum/topic/464378-white-people-and-sciencetechnology/ Race is a weapon against unity used by the oppressor. And really all technology that is foundational to any advancement was already crafted by our ancestors who were all "black skinned". The racist "White power" garbage is not only out of place but also is ignorance, or not knowing. Someone mentioned that Roman invented a form of concrete, well so be it, but in ancient Sumer and Babylon in the fertile crescent had a booming brick/mortar industry to build impressive structures...this took knowledge and understanding. Overall point is that "White" people are relatively new on the world scene and stand on the pillars of the sciences long discovered in the past, though this statement only works in the lens of racism. People are people. Hey under in my I'm! Thank you. I remember you man and you do actually pop in my head from time to time when I think about ole hip forums lol, hope all is well. To answer your question, it don't mean that...you assume that this is a forced constant, perhaps...there are already albino people. Point is that at one time all mankind was "black skinned" and there is no such thing as race. Race is a new concept and even in the Roman empire it was not like it is today, people were people even though there where all kinds of skin color all over the empire.
lol ok. I know we all have our understandings and are different in that, but do you belive ancient alien theory? I'm not here to challenge that.
I like the ancient alien stuff. I think a lot of the show and ideas are stupid but then there's good stuff too.