Think I'm now on - what - the 5th or 99th update? Walkoflife here. Been around longer than the 2004 on my profile (think that during first update, Skip made everyone's date various times in 2004 rather than '98 or whatnot.) Anyhoo...back in the (new) saddle.
Welcome back man. Some of us always find our way back. Those who get it. See you round the forums. Peace
Woo hoot! An original member! Now we might have something interesting to talk about. Welcome HOME...if you need help please just ask. Some things may be different, but hopefully the same...
Yeah, looking around, I see how much HF has grown, and it amazes me. Lots of really, really great people.
Welcome Back To The "Fold"......Did You Remember To Bring A "Late Note" From Your Mom...... Cheers Glen.
You probably remember him from the past. LOL I just had a look at some pictures of your home island. It must be a lovely place to live a quiet peaceful existence away from the hustle of cities like Sydney. I think that I would find it too hot judging by your location and Jane would melt, coming from the west of Ireland where it drizzles with rain off the north Atlantic for 364 days of the year.
Hmmm...well, looks like you came in later. Nonetheless, I was here way, way back in the 90's. Not one to post five word responses to inflate post count (although back then I was slightly more 'rebellious' in that sense). Great to see you around, although I'm equally unaware of your existence back in the early going (and I remember quite a few, some whom I'm pretty sure either moved on, passed away or may have changed names). Oh, and happy 420.