So I walked barefoot into my local grocery store where I've shopped barefoot many times before. This time, the current family member store owner was there and began barking "I'm sorry, sir, but the law requires shoes be worn here!" (the old bullshit). I thought, holding my two quarts of Half & Half, do I want to heighten the scene beyond the decibel level of his voice? No, I decided. Not worth the aggravation inside such a small store. I left. I did write two letters to the store, and I fully expect no acknowledgment of either. Of course, I could have stood and argued, but he was already at full cry. Other stores, other values. Hither I go (barefoot).
I'm not some kid. I'm, er, rather, um, mature. To treat such a customer is vile. Quite right, Jagerhans, he is a "motherfucker" (a harsh insult to an Irish guy!!).
how insults are perceived is a regional thing. In Rome friends say hi to each other cursing the respective dead relatives ("aho, li mortacci tua, come stai?") In Naples don't try that... don't.