Image of Enterovirus under an electron microscope. Image from . Health officials in ten states are scurrying around trying to find out the cause, and potential treatment for a sudden outbreak of enterovirus. The latest form is particularly virulent and is dangerous for asthmatics, COPD sufferers, the elderly and children. You might think you have a summer cold, but if it persists beyond a day and you have a fever and breathing problems you should find medical help as soon as you can. The respiratory symptoms is what makes this strain of the commonly found virus so problematic, as hundreds of young children have been sent to hospital with severe lung infections. CNN has a more complete report to read in this article: Quote: This post has been promoted to an article
Not really "Western" states.... .
Good point, 'mid' western states indeed! Also seems to be much ado about nothing. But I like the virus picture!
I am wondering if maybe I had this one. It has been one week now and I still am recovering. It all started as any other cold, then went straight to the lungs. The third day in I barely could even get 1/4 of a breath in an was about to call 911. Me being a person already with COPD and bullheaded, decided to take my O2 machine and crank it up. After a nasty two days my breathing was better. This has to be the worst chest cold I have had in my 37 years and hope it never happens again.