Rapid Decline in Sexual Performance

Discussion in 'Sexual Health' started by Plumbing Problem, Jan 19, 2018.

  1. Plumbing Problem

    Plumbing Problem Members

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    I'm in my late 50's. I'm in very good shape. I run 5K races and often take 1st place for my age group. I run every day in the spring/summer. I play ice hockey three days per week in the winter when not running road races.

    Until just three or four years ago, I was able to have sex 6 to 7 day per week. Sometimes twice a day. Then I dropped to 3 to 4 times per week. Now I'm down to only being able to have sex once per week at most and even then, if I'm not quick, if I wait for my partner to be satisfied, I then can't finish or actually even sometimes lose the erection before she is even satisfied. And that is fast. She, using a vibrator with me inside her can usually finish in 5 minutes or less so I'm sometimes now unable to stay hard for even 5 minutes. This even after a week long break from sex.

    This is new. I would say that as recent as 6 months ago I was able to stay hard for her for an hour with no problems. I could do that with just a two or three day break. Three or so years ago I could do that once a day for her. This is really frustrating.
  2. wilsjane

    wilsjane Nutty Professor HipForums Supporter

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    While natural decline happens to all of us as we get older, I would be concerned about it happening in such a short space of time.
    Rather than hoping for answers here, I would suggest discussing it with a specialist doctor. It could be triggered by a change of diet or lifestyle, but it sounds more likely to be hormone related. Whatever the cause, all possibilities need to be investigated to ensure that nothing nasty is going on around the culprit gland or organ. Stressing about problems such as these just tends to make them worse.
    MikeE likes this.
  3. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    See a Urologist.
  4. iamjustme

    iamjustme Wishful thinker HipForums Supporter

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    When a man hits 50's, many experience a drop in testosterone. But be very careful how you treat this, male hormone supplements have a dizzying number of side effects. As well as the FDA provides plenty of warning that taking them, and then quiting because of side effects, may decrease hormone levels lower than they were to begin with.
    My suggestion, and what works well for me, is openly talking about it with your wife and both accepting it and not making a big deal of it.
    Sex is 90% mental. If you have never had issues, and then start having them, you get mind f*cked by it. And now the problem becomes much bigger than it actually is. As soon as you start thinking you might have trouble - YOU WILL. Every time.
    It took several months of patience and ME believing that my wife is okay with this and not making a big deal out of it. As soon as I started to believe that - magically the problem went away.
    Today I still have an occasional issue, but probably only 10 - 15% of the time.
    You gotta get it out of your head friend. And the only way to do that is to know your wife still sees you as the man you are.
    Justron likes this.
  5. Plumbing Problem

    Plumbing Problem Members

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    Thanks for this.

    So you are, 85-90% of the time, back to normal?

    My wife has been great about this. She never needed sex all that often. She enjoys it when I'm able but when I'm not, she is totally cool about it.

    The biggest issue is that I want it. I often, at least three or four time a week, I feel the urge and I want to have sex with her and try and it doesn't work. The desire is there but the equipment fails. It's maddening. But she is good about it. Just saying, lets try again later. No worries.
  6. bft4evr

    bft4evr Senior Member

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    This is spot on advice. You could have a physical issue that you don't want to ignore. You seem like an intelligent individual - don't be a fool.
  7. bft4evr

    bft4evr Senior Member

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    Ignore the link - I meant to quote Aerianne's post above.
  8. iamjustme

    iamjustme Wishful thinker HipForums Supporter

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    I am, and that worked for me....however....I DID go to a doctor. Because I take Atenolol for HBP he did not want to try any kind of supplements or Viagra etc.
    He also checked to see if I had any circulation problems in the area, which I did not.
    Because, like you, I still had a strong desire and did not have other symptoms of Low-T....he is the one that gave me the advice I just gave you.
    I would encourage you to go to a physician to be sure you do not have circulation issues...some other symptoms of that was having tired feeling legs and minor inexplicable pains in your hips and thighs.
    At any rate, all of these are fairly rare but good to rule out. Most likely it is in your head, that was my problem.
  9. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    got to work the muscle out, more importantly. is not to have an orgasm. if you want to stay hard and have pleasure in the stiffy. need to work out the stiffy. but not over work it so that it pukes its guts out..
  10. SpacemanSpiff

    SpacemanSpiff Visitor

    wilsjane likes this.
  11. Plumbing Problem

    Plumbing Problem Members

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    Yes, of course, no orgasam. Even when I was 20 I would need to take a long break after orgasam. But now, even with no orgasam, I can go soft in 5 minutes. 10 minutes at most. I used to be able to go hours, if the wife was up for it.

    As for Doctor, you think an unknown Urologist over a GP that I have history with, is preferable?
  12. Aerianne

    Aerianne Lifetime Supporter Lifetime Supporter

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    See your GP. He will send you to a Uro if he needs to.
    Plumbing Problem likes this.
  13. Plumbing Problem

    Plumbing Problem Members

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    Thanks everyone. I did have a good weekend with my wife. On Saturday morning, I had the usual problem, again. Instead of over stressing about it and trying over and over we just agreed to quit trying that day. Then Sunday morning I was very hard and satisfied her and still had plenty of time left for myself as well. Then we did it again this morning! :)
  14. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    There may be a medical issue here and you should get that checked regardless, but to address the issue of satisfying your wife...you've got toys, hands, and a tongue. It's not all about you shoving yourself in and out of her. If you go soft, play with her...go down on her. Play with her nipples. Just just make out and grope each other.

    People have got to learn that sex is so much more than penis penetration.
  15. Plumbing Problem

    Plumbing Problem Members

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    Yes, we do have fun in bed without me being inside her. And she is very patient. She is happy if I can do it once a week. She prefere vaginal though. She refuses oral for herself. There are other things we do but not that.
  16. Irminsul

    Irminsul Valkyrie

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    More sex = better performance.
  17. Noserider

    Noserider Goofy-Footed Member

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    I've heard of this but I don't get it
  18. Plumbing Problem

    Plumbing Problem Members

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    I've never come across it before. It is odd but she is firm about it. Maybe once a year she will let me for just a short time. Then no kissing. Have to go wash my mouth out. I think maybe it is a bit of homo phobia.
  19. Addicted2MEN

    Addicted2MEN New Member

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    Wow not good to hear as I'm approaching 50, but I have always had a high sex drive, then I decided to take a daily regiment of 20mg of Cialis while also on testosterone shots twice a month.
  20. Vanilla Gorilla

    Vanilla Gorilla Go Ape

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    You are late 50s and play ice hockey?

    That doesnt sound sensible

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