
Discussion in 'Love and Sex' started by willowbaby89, Aug 24, 2005.

  1. willowbaby89

    willowbaby89 Member

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    Why does everyone call it rape when a person over the age of 18 has sex with someone under the age of 18,I mean whats the big deal, if both people are willing to have sex whats wrong?Why is it that when an older guy sleeps with a girl under 18 he gets into alot of trouble, but in alot of cases when a woman sleeps with a guy under 18 people brush it off,wtf?!?!
  2. tropisms

    tropisms Member

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    well legally it goes both ways, but most people aren't worried about older women taking advantage of young men, because it dosen't happen often and the pregnancy issue is not as drastic of an issue for the minor.
  3. michiganhippie

    michiganhippie Member

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    If both partners are willing, using the word rape is contradicting. It doesn't make sense that if a couple, one being 18 and the other being 15, willlingly have sex, then the older person can be charged with rape and will have to register as a sex offender.
  4. tropisms

    tropisms Member

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    As far as registering as a sex offender I don't agree with that, however when you look at and age difference of 18-15 one is a legal adult in America and one is not. If pregnancy occurs then one of the individuals involved isn't an adult legally and therefore not responsible enough in the eyes of society to deal with a child, where as one of the parents would be (at least by the societal definition of an adult).
  5. Sirjimalot

    Sirjimalot Member

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    well, recently there have been a few Female Teachers caught playing with little boys.. but yes, it is not as frequently heard of as the Males going after the younger girls...
  6. Trickster

    Trickster Misfit

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    It's called Statutory Rape. This means that the person, either male or female, doesn't have the mental or emotional capacity to understand sex and what it entails. Obviously, teenagers are more advanced in their thinking these days, than when that law was introduced. While there are some teens who are quite capable of knowing the consequences of these sexual actions, there are some that don't and are taken advantage of. This is why the law exists and i think it should stay. You can't have a half law that exists for some teens and not others. Some would ask though, why would a person over 18 lets say, want to sleep with a 13 or 14 year old?

  7. grimjivey

    grimjivey Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I agree with most of what Trickster said. The law is worthwhile in my opinion. However, I am willing to admit finding some younger girls (16-18) attractive. having said that, I think there is a big difference between enjoying beauty and engaging in sex with a teenager. I don't feel like I really got my thoughts and feelings straight concerning sex till my twentys, if ever.
  8. ZenMunchy

    ZenMunchy Gracious In Defeat

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    I am 19 and my girl friend is 16. I did not go looking for younger girls. We met mistcaly. are eyes met and we feel in love. She is very mature for her age and i realy do not feel like im 19. i realy dont know where all those years went heh. Well the fact of the matter is that i can not make love to her intill she is 18. which i am totaly fine with. I would wait a million years to be with her. When we first met i was a lil put off by are age difference but once i got to know her and saw how mature she is the age diference went away to me. I know when were older were going to joke about the matter. When were older are age difference will disapere even to the most unaproving watchfull eyes. so should there be a law, yes but its unfourtunate that inocent couples like us have to take the burden of the law. i will obay it but ill never stop loveing her~
  9. grimjivey

    grimjivey Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    I know the law was not intended for people in your situation. God, your only 3years apart. That is a serious drag my friend. On the other hand, there are many laws that I choose to disregard. There are also many that I believe in whole-heartedly. You have to be the final judge on whats right and wrong for you and your loved ones.
  10. JanaXGIRL

    JanaXGIRL Senior Member

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    eh? Why couldn't I have sex with a guy over 18..? I mean.. it's normal.. in czech rep. :D
  11. Sirjimalot

    Sirjimalot Member

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    Yes, IN other countries it is normal,
    In the US it is criminal....

    Granted there is a difference between a 19 year old with his 16 year old gf, and say a 38 year old who goes for 16 year olds...

    I have to admit, I agree with Grim. These younger girls today are alot sexier than they were when I was in school, but typically, I like to reserve my affections for the 25 and older crowd...

    although there is nothing Illegal about hooking up with someone 18 or 21...

    Different Countries have different laws concerning the legal age of consent.
  12. DancerAnnie

    DancerAnnie Resident Beach Bum

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    It's the sicko thirty, forty, and fifty year old men that pray on young girls that ruin it for the teenagers who are only two or three years apart. I agree that it's not necessarily a FAIR law...but the law can't make "exceptions". Although...maybe it should have to do with the age difference if you're under 18...instead of just the age...I think that might be a little bit more acceptable...
  13. ZenMunchy

    ZenMunchy Gracious In Defeat

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    I totaly agree with you it should be the age diference and not just 18 and over. But its not like there isnt guys out there who do pray on yunger girls who are my age. im shure there are so i guess you cant win eather way. the only thing that realy gets me agout my situation is that my gfs mother and step father are 17 years apart and there all conserd about us saying im to old?!? where is the logic in that my friends?
  14. JanaXGIRL

    JanaXGIRL Senior Member

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    hm.. aha..
  15. wastingthedawn

    wastingthedawn *~Pure Light~*

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    I think here the law is if it's a person over 18 witha person under 16...

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