Ok, so me personally, I do not really know how much my own personal net worth is? But my question is: How would you go about figuring out your net worth? I’m pretty sure your House and Your car accounts for it I believe? Is there anything else? Like maybe checking and savings accounts? What else am I missing? Also, what’s YOUR own personal net worth and how would you go about increasing it for yourself? Thanks for help. Just trying to educate myself more on it!!!
Net Worth Calculator: What's My Net Worth?. I'm not comfortable sharing personal financial information, but if this helps it's pretty basic; earn more, save (invest) more, spend less - especially spending by using credit or loans.
I am not a Conservative and therefore not into this type of thing. A thing from an accountancy point of view A car if owned is a depreciating asset and nothing more Many are on Personal Leasing schemes and therefore shouldnt count at all . Make sure you save for tomorrow in the form of a pension . That will help you to stop working beyond an old age and enjoy life . Avoid keeping up with the Jones' and enjoy life . If you can afford buy a house dont rent as the latter is dead money
Totally agreed. I am not saying as I don't want anyone else with less assets than I have to be envious of me. I find the whole idea of being ostentatious wrong. Maybe there are more important things in life such as clean air, clean water, having a few of the right friends rather than many of the wrong ones.