
Discussion in 'French' started by sushumna, May 8, 2004.

  1. Rainbowgirl

    Rainbowgirl Member

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    Vu sur le forum RainbowFrance:

    Intéressant de faire savoir, ou de répéter, répéter, répéter cela à tous ceux qui sur des forums rainbows appelent à lutter contre ceci ou cela, à faire des manifestations pour ceci ou cela, que le Rainbow ne se rassemble pas pour protester, mais pour montrer que l'on peut vivre ensemble en paix, ici et maintenant......

    Retransmis de: [Rainbow Family Of Living Light] Digest Number 846

    "The Gathering is not a protest. The Rainbow gathering is not a demonstration
    FOR peace. The Rainbow Family Gathering of Living Light is a demonstration
    OF PEACE; an intentional community of compassionate, idealistic, faithful, prayerful people endeavoring to demonstrate WHAT PEACE IS."
  2. sensual

    sensual Member

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    Et cette démonstration de Paix se fait ... car chacun incarne vraiment ce qu'il Est!
  3. Rainbowgirl

    Rainbowgirl Member

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    Bel article paru dans le Canadian Geographic (Sept./Octobre 2005) sur le rassemblement de la Famille Québécoise:

    (1ère partie avec photos):


    Puis les textes (en plus lisible... et en anglais!):


  4. Rainbowgirl

    Rainbowgirl Member

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    Le texte est en anglais mais quelques parties essentielles vont être traduites afin que vous tous puissiez en prendre connaissance.
    1ère partie:


    To the people out there that read this, which it seems
    most don't read David's posting they need to be
    addressed so the younger future Rainbow Chidren of
    Light know the history and the truth of the Rainbow
    Family and what it is truly about, as it is much to
    all in differant ways....
    "So First of all, be prepared for a different answer
    from each person who responds. Rainbow is different
    things to different people."

    "Further Letters On Rainbow's Origins - Part I"

    "This is from the introduction of my book on Rainbow
    about the context of the times when Barry Plunker (of
    Marble Mount Outlaws) met up with Garrick Beck (of
    Temple Tribe) and they began to plan the first
    In May, 1970, the radical youth movement reached its
    height. When the USA invaded Cambodia, the National
    Guard killed four anti-war demonstrators at Kent State
    University in Ohio and two at Jackson State University
    in Mississippi. Student strikes closed down over 400
    universities and colleges across the country in
    protest against the invasion and the killings. That
    was the week that Chuck Windsong, who was deeply upset
    about the killings, went into the forests of
    Washington to camp out with his cousin Barry. Barry
    had left Haight-Ashbury long before and was now
    helping draft dodgers and deserters escape across the
    border into Canada. That week of student week of
    invasion and killings and student strikes, Barry and
    Chuck started making plans to invite everyone who
    would come to stand in a circle on a mountaintop on a
    Fourth of July.
    It took over two years of preparation before Barry,
    Chuck, Garrick, Karen, Jean Vision and the others
    could have the silent circle at the first Rainbow
    Gathering in the mountains of Colorado on July 4,
    1972. During those two years, the left-wing movement
    went through a period of decline. Already in June,
    1969, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), the
    main radical youth organization, had split at its
    national convention. SDS chapters around the country
    had mostly refused to follow any of the rival
    factions. Thus, the student strike of May, 1970, was
    not coordinated by any national organization and there
    was no way of keeping the energy going.
    By this time, large numbers of SDS'ers and other
    leftists were mentally and physically exhausted from
    five years of working against a war that went on and
    on. In May, 1970, there was hope that the revolution -
    or at least the end of the war - would come soon. By
    that fall the hope was dying down. Some places the
    hope died later than others. In outlying areas, young
    people were just starting to turn onto the
    counter-culture and the vague hope of the revolution
    that had come to them at second and third and tenth
    hand from the radical youth organizations, while in
    the main centers, the hope was dying. There was a
    brief surge of hope again around the May Day anti-war
    demonstrations of May, 1971, but the hope died down
    The left-wing people who had provided the moral
    leadership for the counter-culture went out of action.
    Some went to graduate school, others to a piece of
    land in the country and others to heavy alcohol and
    drug use. Some kept on with the struggle, but the
    media weren't paying attention and the goals looked
    further away than ever. In 1972, an article in "U.S.
    News an(i- World Report" noticed that as protest died
    down, crime in campus areas was increasing. With no
    more goal of a revolution to give a moral purpose, the
    dropouts and runaways in college fringe areas started
    stealing more and more. As trust broke down, students
    and other people were no longer ready to give them a
    place to stay. The use of LSI) and other psychedelics
    declined. There was a big increase in the use of
    alcohol, downers and heroin. Apparently in most
    people, psychedelics inspire bright, hopeful visions
    and when people no longer believe they can make these
    visions into reality, they prefer to blot them out.
    As young people lost hope that the revolution would
    come soon to transform the world, many came to believe
    that Jesus would come soon to do the same thing. Jesus
    freak groups grew rapidly in counter-culture
    communities. They usually disapproved of some things
    that were considered basic in the counter-culture -
    pot smoking, non-married se* and protesting against
    the war. The basic viewpoint of most Jesus freak
    groups was socially conservative. Although most Jesus
    freaks did not think of themselves as political at
    all, they disapproved of protest - anything that might
    hint that people could make the world a better place
    by their own efforts. Only Jesus could do that at his
    coming. Jesus freak groups gave young people stability
    and hope as the counter-culture communities around
    them fell into moral chaos, but they didn't have the
    kind of moral leadership in the counter-culture that
    the leftwing groups once had. The Jesus freaks did not
    see their job as improving the scene, but as helping
    their converts to be in the scene but not of it. The
    same thing is true of the numerous eastern religious
    groups such as Krishna Consciousness that began to
    flourish at this time. They regarded the
    counter-culture not as something good in itself that
    should be developed, but as a hunting ground for
    Among the Plains Indians when they were conquered by
    the whites, the Ghost Dance arose - the faith that an
    Indian Savior would appear who would renew the earth
    and bring back to life all the Indians that white guns
    and diseases had slain and all the buffalo the whites
    had destroyed. It would be sudden - all that would be
    necessary was to keep dancing the Ghost Dance - making
    that energy circle, dancing until very soon the power
    came that would redeem the land for the Indians. For
    some, the first Rainbow Gathering in Colorado was a
    Ghost Dance for the hippie movement.
    On July 3, 1972 Phil Coyote looked over the thousands
    of people he had helped prepare the way for in the
    Colorado mountains. These people had dared a National
    Guard road block to gather at the foot of Table
    Mountain, a holy mountain of the Arapaho Indians,
    ready to go to the top on the Fourth of July and make
    the silent circle as the spirit had said. The
    counter-culture was in decay. The non-religious
    protest movement that had given it purpose was too
    weak to stop the decay. So a spiritual renewal
    movement had brought these people to the Rainbow
    Gathering at Table Mountain. Phil tells his hope at
    that time - the hope of many who came - for the
    immediate redemption of the counter-culture, a vision
    straight out of the Ghost Dance: "I thought it was the
    end of an old world, the start of a new one. We
    expected things at the gathering too quick. We
    expected that the fences would come down around the
    world, the prisons would crumble, the cities would be
    gone and the buffalo would come back and Christ would
    return." The next day, the great circle on the
    mountain was held. There was no big, sudden, universal
    change. Phil Coyote comments, "A lot of different
    people went up to Table Mountain to wait for the world
    to end. It didn't." But Phil didn't go up the mountain
    to see what did happen. Apparently Table Mountain is a
    center in a mountain complex that might be compared to
    a human nervous system. This center would amplify the
    energy raised by this huge circle of intensely praying
    silent people as they gathered on the day of
    independence with the sun directly overhead. Many
    Rainbow people deeply enjoy the release of energy done
    by what Light Owl calls "a lot of strong praying."
    JaySun apparently considers the "boogying and praying"
    he did in Colorado to be different aspects of the same
    The human energy was apparently supported by the
    energy from the natural world, The deepest feeling of
    Rainbow people seems to be that the inmost energy of
    humans, the sun, the mountains and the other natural
    objects is the same as what has been called period or
    spirits. Chuck 'Windsong told me, "Barry and I seen
    Christ appear on "able Mountain. At every gathering
    people have seen him ascend." I asked Chuck did he
    mean descend, but he insisted Christ' ascended from
    the earth. In other words, 'the earth we are on now is
    a sacred place as much as any far-off heaven or
    different state of consciousness. This sacredness is
    recognized in many ways, from praying on a mountaintop
    to picking up cigarette butts and waste paper from the
    ground after the gathering is over. I have used the
    word energy a lot. It is a frequent word in Rainbow.
    Someone will tell a friend, "I like our energy." Matt
    would not use cocaine because the greed of the coke
    dealers "fucked up the energy around the cocaine."
    Once when somebody started to crush a cockroach on a
    blanket at a gathering, the blanket's owner,
    nine-year-old Erica, came running to prevent the
    insect from being killed. "No!" she shouted. "I don't
    want that kind of energy in my blanket!" The world is
    felt as all alive with everything radiating energy -
    good or bad that can connect it to everything else.
    And there is trust that the most basic energy is good.

    Of course not enough energy was raised on Table
    Mountain to transform the world in a moment. But there
    was enough generated to begin to drive away the
    darkness that had fallen on the counter-culture. A
    long, slow process began there of individuals changing
    and communities trying to form, using the Rainbow
    Gatherings as a focus. It is not being done by a
    spectacular, apocalyptic force from the outside, but
    by slow, steady work - like digging a latrine at a
    gathering. The Rainbow Family links together many
    thousands of people - more all the time. The Family is
    assuming the moral leadership among counter-culture
    youth that the left-wing groups had in the sixties.
    When I hitch around the USA, many young people who
    pick me up have heard of the gathering and wish they
    could go. If they know nothing else about Rainbow,
    they believe It stands for share what you have and
    don't steal."
    Best wishes, Jodey (postmark 1/28/91).
    This letter from Jodey was included in the 1996
    Rainbow Anthology.

  5. Rainbowgirl

    Rainbowgirl Member

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    2ème partie:

    "Further Letters On Rainbow's Origins - Part II"

    "Jackson Phelan was one of the people who was sent out
    by Don Kelsey - called Mountain Don in Barry Plunker's
    book, "Where Have All the Flower Children Gone?"'
    Jackson and the others went out to ask everyone they
    knew to come to a gathering in the mountains near
    Nederland, Colorado in the summer of 1968.
    There were rumors that an asteroid called Icarus was
    going to hit the earth and that the safest place would
    be there in the mountains around Nederland, near
    Boulder. However, Jackson says that Don Kelsey never
    said anything of the kind and he ((Jackson)) never
    told that to anybody.
    Jackson went to the 'Up Against the Wall
    Motherfuckersl-- they were a group of anarchists who
    lived on the lower east side of New York. Ben Morea of
    the U.A.W./Motherfuckers was at the June 1967
    convention of Students for a Democratic Society
    (S.D.S.) and in December, 1967 U.A.W./Motherfuckers
    was recognized as a chapter of SDS.
    The Motherfuckers has a group of young people staying
    with them who took on an identity of their own as the
    STP family. The STP'ers went to this gathering in the
    Colorado mountains that Don Kelsey called. John
    Johnson - now well-known in Rainbow as John Buffalo
    met the STP family there in Colorado in the summer of
    1968 and he became part of STP. He does a lot of the
    security for Rainbow now, and hopes to do a kitchen.
    Barry Plunker and his first wife Ellen were at that
    gathering in the mountains that Don Kelsey called.
    They went on to New York. About 2,000 people in all
    showed up that summer. Some vigilantes came and tried
    to make them leave. They hit Don Kelsey over the head
    with a rifle. However people stayed camped there near
    Nederland all summer and through the fall.
    Jackson Phelan says that he stayed in Boulder over the
    winter. He worked part of the time in a restaurant.
    ((Then)) that summer of 1969 the gathering started up
    again in the mountains near Nederland. Barry Plunker
    hitch-hiked from New York sometime in late June and
    early July. Jackson says he believes it was before the
    space ship landed on the moon ((on 7/21/69)). He went
    camping in the mountains with Barry. Another person
    showed up who was important in the early days of
    Rainbow - Michael Bison Bear. He had been to the
    Woodstock festival ((of 7/_--,/69)). He left the
    gathering in Colorado and went off to the Big Sur
    region of California and camped with the Salmon Creek
    Family ((around late Aug. 169)). Barry left Boulder
    shortly after that...he went to Alaska and then down
    to Big Sur to be with Michael Bear and the Salmon
    Creek family. When hunting season began in early fall,
    the Salmon Creek Family started being harassed by
    hunters so they moved up to Marble Mount, Washington.
    Barry and Michael Bear and part of the Salmon Creek
    Family became the Marble Mount Outlaws. They set up
    the camps called Love One and Love Two and Love Three
    to take draft dodgers and deserters across the border
    to Canada. They went down to the Renaissance Fair in
    Portland, Oregon and met up with Garrick Beck and the
    Temple Tribe and began the discussions with him that
    led to the Vortex free rock festival near Portland
    over Labor Day weekend', 1970, and then ((onward)) to
    the July, 1972 ((first)) Rainbow Gathering near
    Granby, Colorado.
    Best wishes, Jodey (postmark 1/28/91)."

    This letter from Jodey was included in the 1996
    Rainbow Anthology

    More from 72-

    What is the Rainbow Family of Living Light?
    What is the Rainbow Family of Living Light? First of
    all, be prepared for a different answer from each
    person who responds. Rainbow is different things to
    different people.
    Most of us, though not all, who consider ourselves
    part of the Rainbow Family, have attended the Rainbow
    Gathering of the Tribes, which takes place from July 1
    - 7 every year. The first gathering was in 1972, the
    invitation to it reading as follows:
    We, who are brothers & sisters, children of God,
    families of life on earth, friends of nature & of all
    people, children of humankind calling ourselves
    Rainbow Family Tribe, humbly invite:
    All races, peoples, tribes, communes, men, women,
    children, individuals -- out of love.
    All nations & national leaders -- out of respect
    All religions & religious leaders -- out of faith
    All politicians -- out of charity
    to join with us in gathering together for the purpose
    of expressing our sincere desire that there shall be
    peace on earth, harmony among all people. This
    gathering to take place beginning July 1, 1972, near
    Aspen, Colorado - or between Aspen & the Hopi & Navaho
    lands - on 3000 acres of land that we hope to purchase
    or acquire for this gathering -- & to hold open
    worship, prayer, chanting or whatever is the want or
    desire of the people, for three days, but upon the
    fourth day of July at noon to ask that there be a
    meditative, contemplative silence wherein we, the
    invited people of the world may consider & give honour
    & respect to anyone or anything that has aided in the
    positive evolution of humankind & nature upon this,
    our most beloved & beautiful world -- asking blessing
    upon we people of this world & hope that we people can
    effectively proceed to evolve, expand, & live in
    harmony & peace. - Amen -
    The 3000 acres never materialized, and the first
    gathering took place partly on private land offered
    for temporary use, and partly on National Forest land.
    As you can see, this was intended to be a onetime
    event. However, people liked it so much that
    gatherings continued to happen annually on federal
    lands, each year in a different state. The length of
    the gathering has since expanded beyond the original
    four-day span.
    For many years, there was only the one gathering, and
    the spiritual focus was foremost in the minds of
    everyone who attended. Most folks were identified with
    the "hippie" movement of the times, engaged in
    establishing alternative social, economic, spiritual,
    political, and/or environmental consciousness. Many
    were involved either in the Peace movement in the
    cities or the communal, back-to-the-land movement in
    the country. In either case, exploration of
    alternative spiritual systems and states of
    consciousness was often a common theme.
    Sometime around the mid-1980s, folks who felt it was
    too far or too long to the annual gathering started
    coming together for smaller, regional gatherings.
    People all over the country developed local and
    regional bonds.
    In the past few years, the spiritual focus has been
    less obvious, due to the huge influx of people who may
    not realize the central purpose of the gatherings.
    These folks may come to party, to hang out, to find
    like-minded people, to gain support for their
    political causes, or whatever. Who knows? (I sure
    don't, since I haven't spoken with all of them.)
    The interesting thing is that we all consider
    ourselves to be part of a huge, extended family, no
    matter what our reason for gathering, no matter what
    our spiritual or religious or political or economic or
    social views may be. And many people who have not yet
    had an opportunity to attend a gathering also feel
    they are part of this family.
    Another interesting thing is that there is no formal
    organizational structure. There are no membership
    qualifications, no fees or dues, no leaders, and
    virtually no rules other than the one of "peaceful
    respect." Each year, individuals take personal
    responsibility and work together with others on
    whatever they are inspired to do, from office work, to
    scouting, to building the kitchens at the gatherings,
    to hauling in food and first-aid supplies, to
    peacekeeping, etc. Every project undertaken operates
    essentially on a consensus basis. Participation,
    communication, and cooperation are how things get
    It is nothing short of miraculous.
    The gatherings are free and non-commercial, and
    everyone is welcome. Each person is asked to bring
    their own camping equipment (this all takes place in
    remote areas of the National Forest), their own cup,
    bowl, and spoon, and whatever they might want to share
    to help the gathering happen (tarps, shovels, musical
    instruments, bulk food, etc.). No one will be turned
    away because of lacks in these areas, however. The
    Magic Hat is passed at mealtimes and around camp.
    Donations are used to buy food in bulk for the
    kitchens and whatever else may be necessary for the
    communal well-being (plywood covers and lime for the
    latrines, first aid supplies, etc.).
    Besides the work that goes on to help the gathering
    happen, there's also lots of accoustical music,
    drumming, dancing, workshops, herb-walks, council
    circles, sister circles, brother circles,
    brother-sister circles, people hanging out, people
    bartering, people enjoying nature, people meditating,
    chanting, and praying, people talking politics, people
    talking spiritual and personal growth, people
    visioning the future, people doing bodywork and other
    healing work, ...
    The list could go on forever.
    For me personally, the Rainbow Family is where I have
    found my greatest opportunities to learn, to grow, to
    celebrate, to be one with my fellow beings and my
    mother Earth, to serve, to pray, to play. The
    gatherings for me are living theater, evolution in
    process, creativity manifest. I am passionately in
    Picture twenty thousand people in a sunlit meadow,
    standing silent in prayer, holding hands in one huge,
    unbroken circle. Picture a parade of children
    approaching, singing songs, their countenances bright
    with enthusiasm and face paint, baloons and banners
    waving in the breeze. Picture the breaking of the
    silence with a cheer from the circle, then the silence
    returning once again, to grow slowly into a thrum of
    voices united in a single OM reverberating through the
    valley and on to the hills beyond. Hold the OM in your
    mind. Let it spread through and around and in you.
    Feel it pass from hand to hand and heart to heart.
    The magic, the connection you feel is the essence of
    the Rainbow Family of Living Light.
    Peace, love, and light,
    Further Letters On Rainbow's Origins - Part III

    ....the birth of Rainbow ((was)) at Vortex I in
    1970...if you've heard from others ((besides the
    writer, Rainbow Hawk, plus he mentions Jodey Bateman))
    who were there I wouldn't mind having their, current
    addresses. Maybe Peter Blue Cloud ((would)) be a good
    source ... as the Rainbow Temple Family were some of
    the originators of Vortex I. Maybe some of the folks
    from the Brotherhood of Light ((could
    help))...(partially where the name Rainbow Family of
    Living Light evolved from). Or some of The Family
    Thing folks. And The Electric Circus folks, the Good
    Earth Commune, The Marble Mount Outlaws, etc.,...all
    of whom were parts of the first councils. ((Also)) the
    Sunnyvale Farm Commune and a fair number of folks from
    Takilma, the Mystic Arts Commune, Morning Star,
    Wheelers Ranch, etc.
    The first council was about 450 folks and they were
    representative of just about every alternative group
    on the Coast, so it's kind of hard to remember them
    all, but those are some of the key-ones, Oh yea! The
    Clear Light Corncob folks too. Most of us did a big
    caravan leaving Vortex I (the first Rainbow Peace
    Caravan, but we didn't call it that then) over to the
    Sky River II Festival (on Maggies Farm). ...Actually
    ((as well as the group names not presently
    remembered)), you can't leave out the' Eagle Scouts,
    for their donation of the Rainbow Tipi Circle was the
    major reason we chose Rainbow...((as part of an
    umbrella name)).((, there were already 20,000-30,000
    folks there who had all agreed (via an announcement
    from the stage and a huge cheer) that the whole West
    Coast alternative movement had decided to unite under
    the symbol of the Rainbow.
    ...The Rainbow Family/Tribes part reached an easy 100%
    agreement at Vortex I, but a number of folks had a
    hard time on the "of Living Light" part...but it
    passed by simple majority. Those objecting thought it
    a bit too pretentious and in many ways hipstory has
    proven them right. I've personally always preferred
    Warriors of the Rainbow ((per the Hopi(?) Indian
    prophecy, 'There will come a tribe of people from all
    cultures who believe in deeds, not words, and who will
    restore the earth to its former beauty. This tribe
    will be called Warriors of the Rainbow.')) and Rainbow
    Tribes (though Dart of the reason for the inclusion of
    "Family" came from two communities I was a part of).
    The Gathering of the Tribes part of the Gatherings
    name ((the full name being The Rainbow Family of
    Living Light Gathering of the Tribes and World Peace
    and Healing Celebration)) came from an event titled
    the Gathering of the Tribes in Golden Gate Park during
    the Summer of Love (1967) and with so many Bay Area
    folks involved with Rainbow from the get-go it was
    almost a foregone conclusion that that title would
    stick with , us forever (I wholeheartedly supported
    that one too). ...for the most part it's endless good
    news coming in and that's always a good energy boost
    and an inspiration to do more and better. Give
    everybody my love and hugs.
    Meta Tontay ((Walk in Peace)), Rainbow Hawk.
    This letter from Rainbow Hawk was included in the 1996
    Rainbow Anthology.
    http://www.starsrainbowrideboard.org/welcomehome_mirror/rainbow/ [/PHP]
  6. Rainbowgirl

    Rainbowgirl Member

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    Reçu d'une Amie:

    La Famille rainbow globale , comme il fallait s'en douter en voyant, un peu partout, l'afflux de drainbows inconscients de ce qu'est la "philosophie" et le "but" du Rainbow, ne parvient pas, cette fois, à s'unir pour la Vision du Lieu du rassemblement en Angleterre; elle demande que chacun des "vrais" soit
    en méditation ce dimanche à 19h. pour l'aide à cette Vision consensus .
    Ensuite , et ensuite seulement, chat à l'adresse indiquée.
    Comme tout le monde, de nos jours, a été "obligé" par Babylone de comprendre un peu la langue "internationale" anglaise (que faire, autrement, pour "vivre rainbow" partout ?), voici le texte de leur Appel:

    A Call for Help to the Global Rainbow Family from the English Rainbows

    **Love and Light**

    Dear Rainbows,

    Your help is needed.

    The European Rainbow gathering is due to be happening in England in July, but a site has not been found, and although there seems to be a lot of talking between the English rainbows and lots of efforts being made, at times there also seems to be a lack of listening, respect and a communal vision.

    To help to heal these troubles we are hoping to have a national/European/international group focused meditation followed by a virtual chat room discussion on Sunday (21st May). The intention of the meditation is to help the English rainbows reconnect with their hearts and therefore also reconnect with each other, the Earth, ancestors, guides and spirit. It is hoped that the focussing of rainbow consciousness on Earth will help the English rainbows to raise their own groupconsciousness, so that they can once again hear the land speak to them and they become ready to learn the directions to the gathering site.

    We sincerely and respectfully ask the global rainbow family to join us for this focussing of energy. We are calling for rainbows to meditate at around 7pm (UK time) on Sunday 21st May 2006, with a chat room discussion afterwards at http://rainbowinfo.net/cgi-bin/chat1/chat.pl
    If 7pm (UK time) is not suitable or doesn't feel right to you please be free to be guided to a better time, I am sure it will join with the group focus whatever time it is sent.

    The meditation will not take place in the chat room, as it is important to make space where you can connect to the land; however the chat room will be used AFTER the meditation to share any inspirations/ideas. Any inspirations/ideas that arise DURING meditation can be written down on paper, so they are not forgotten, and shared later.

    It is sincerely hoped that rainbows from around the world will come forward to help the England rainbows, and that hopefully a global focussing of energy will also lead to the strengthening group consciousness and energy of the international rainbow family.

    ***Love and Light to you All***

    Thank you,

    (Location: England)

  7. sushumna

    sushumna Member

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    Merci mes amours pour les superbes cartes avec les petits mots doux que vous m'avez envoyé, cela fait chaud au coeur et me touche profondément !!!
    Vous étes des z'adorables tout plein, et sachez que même si la distance nous sépare quelque peu, vous étes toujours présent dans mon coeur et j'espère que le temps viendra assez vite où je pourrais à nouveau vous serrer dans mes bras pour vous hugger tendrement comme il se doit et jouer et chanter et danser et aimer et rire et sourire et sourire encore et encore et encore jusqu'à.... bon on va se calmer mais vous avez compris ce que je voulais dire hein ? hihihi [​IMG]
    Je vous aime du fond du coeur et vous envoie mille milliards de mille millions de gros bisous tout doux.
    Dans l'Amour et la Lumière....[​IMG]
  8. sensual

    sensual Member

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    We looooooooove you Sushumna!

  9. pomme

    pomme Member

    Likes Received:
    bonjour à tous! est-ce que qqun sait où en sont les discussions pr le rainbow de cet été? je n'ai pa pu participer à la discussion de la semaine dernière. finalement, où en sont les anglais? va-t-il y avoir quelque chose en espagne? je ne sais pourquoi de mon côté le bouche à oreille ne fonctionne plus, ça me désespère...
    bisous à tous
  10. larosee

    larosee Member

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    Moi aussi Pomme j'attend les instructions du Rainbow en Angleterre d'autant plus que je ne pourrai pas f?ter les feux de Beltan le 21 juin!..ö moins que... :rolleyes:
  11. Rainbowgirl

    Rainbowgirl Member

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    Voici le flyer de l'invitation au Rainbow européen avec les dates. Le lieu n'a pas encore été trouvé et le scouting continue :


    ... et encore plein d'amour pour notre très cher Sushumna !
  12. pomme

    pomme Member

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    merçi!! (ça se profile!) et bisou à tous
  13. dream catcher

    dream catcher Member

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    De retour du rassemblement d'angleterre, je viens tous ici vous saluer et vous faire partager ce que nous y avons vécu... (dans un laps de temps relativement court!)

    Le lieu était superbe, une immense prairie vallonnée, avec des petits murés de pierre pour séparer les parcelles de champs, des moutons broutant paisiblement une herbe bien verte et bien grasse, et qui étaient bien au chaud sous leur grosse laine, eux!

    Le temps était à la pluie avec des raffales de vent au moment où nous y étions, alors il est difficile d'être vraiment détendu dans ces conditions là. Chacun portant quatre ou cinq pulls, ça fait entre 8 et 10 couches de vêtements entre nous pour les hugs!

    Il y avait des frères et soeurs avec des vêtement incroyables. Il y en avait un qui avait accroché pleins de rubans à ses bras, à ses jambes, et sur son châpeau. Tous ces rubans volaient au vent, accompagné par le son de petites clochettes qu'il s'était encore accroché aux chevilles. Il y en avait un autre qui s'était mis des fleurs dans sa longue barbe tressée et dans ses cheveux longs, avec des badges partout de toutes les couleurs.

    On a vu beaucoup de musiciens avec des instruments peu communs. Il y avait les guitares et les derboukas, bien sur, mais aussi une vielle à roue, une cornemuse, une clarinette, un saxophone, un hautbois médiéval...

    Qu'il était bon de se faire de grands hugs tout au long du chemin pour venir, sur place, et pour repartir, bref, toutes les raisons sont bonnes pour s'embrasser!

    J'avoue que nous avons rencontré très peu d'anglais, beaucoup d'allemands, de français, des espagnols, des italiens, des tchèques, des hongrois, une australienne, une américaine, des suédoises, et un brother de "sa mère", parcequ'il est tout le temps sur les routes, qu'il parle pleins de langues, et que son pays d'origine n'a aucune importance nous a-t-il confié.

    Au food circle, nous avons chanté et dansé en une immense farandole qui tournait très vite. C'était vraiment réjouissant. La nourriture était délicieuse et saine, comme toujours dans les rassemblements. C'était juste dommage de recevoir la fumée des cigarettes dans le nez, DANS UN RASSEMBLEMENT DE LA FAMILLE DE L' ARC EN CIEL!!! Et en plus, par un vieux de la vieille, français, dont ce n'est pas la première expérience. Et ben bravo pour l'exemple! C'est la première fois que je voyais autant de fumeurs (herbe et cigarettes confondues) dans un rassemblement. La fille à côté de moi me disait qu'elle ne les voyait pas, et moi j'en ai compté au moins 20!!! Rien que dans mon champs de vision! Comment peut-on être si proche, au même moment, au même endroit, et avoir un point de vu si différent?

    Le meilleur moment, c'était le grand calin au sommet de la colline. Tous allongés les uns et les unes sur les autres, on riait, on chantait doucement, on se caressait librement, l'un avait apporté pleins de couvertures pour tous nous protéger du vent et du froid, et juste à coté, il y avait un petit couple d'amoureux. Ca faisait, un grand tas, et un petit tas.

    Pour conclure, je ne regrette pas les dixaines d'heures de voyage, même pour deux jours seulement sur place! Mais évidemment, j'aspire à mieux! Il est bon d'acceuillir quelqu'un dans ses bras et de lui faire un hug, mais j'ajoute que "personne" ne m'a dit "bienvenu" ou ne m'a fait un hug d'elle même une seule fois! (Et pourtant je suis si jolie et je sens si bon!), plus de soleil, plus de couleurs, et plus du tout de fumée dans le nez!

    Que l'arc-en-ciel illumine toutes nos existences,

    Paix, Amour, Conscience * * *
  14. dream catcher

    dream catcher Member

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    La vie est belle!

    Tout à l'heure, dans un petit café parisien, un vieux hippy vient s'assoire à ma table. Je lui dit que je reviens du rassemblement rainbow d'angleterre, il me dit que la première fois qu'il a rencontré la "famille", c'était en 68 à Avignon. Ils avaient un bus, faisaient la manche pour gagner un peu d'argent en journée, et préparaient le repas de chaque soir avec cet argent. C'était la fête, les filles dansaient, me racontait-il avec un regard dans le vague, plein de nostalgie. Il m'a demandé si on avait fait tous l'amour au rainbow, comme dans son bon vieux temps quoi. Je lui est raconté notre calin et ça l'a illuminé. Et le tout, comme disent les plus sages, c'est pas de faire l'amour, mais d'ETRE Amour. Puis il est partit en m'offrant mon café et une jolie bague... et moi je lui est chanté une chanson!

    Voilà, c'est pas compliqué la vie!

    Merci l'arc-en-ciel!
  15. larosee

    larosee Member

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    Et moi, tout a l'heure dans un cafe parisien, j'ai rencontre un peintre qui me racontait ses voyages avec sa femme "une ancienne hippy" disait-il! C'est elle qui lui a tout appris : Comment ?tre heureux, rencontrer des gens interessants et me?me peindre.
    Ne sont-ils pas incroyables ces hippies?
  16. sushumna

    sushumna Member

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    Juste pour vous dire que c'est toujours une Joie et un Bonheur de vous revoir et d'avoir pu partager ces instants merveilleux en votre compagnie à la taverne médiévale.
    Je vous aime !
    Dans l'Amour et la Lumière...


    CH-RAINBOW Member

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    Juste une petite note pour signaler à ceux qui ne le sauraient pas encore, l'existence d'un nouveau forum Rainbow :


    Nous espérons vous y accueillir bientôt !

    Tout de bon à vous tous !

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