Rainbow Serpent caravan and Turtle Island

Discussion in 'Rainbow Family' started by jivre, May 26, 2004.

  1. jivre

    jivre Member

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    original post from : SunBô

    sent : 2004-05-21 18:42
    San Cristobal finaly offers us alternatives to the eternal arroz con frijoles y tortillas. Calle Guadalupe-Victoria, Magic Hotel, reggae internacional, irie ilie, healing of all nations, Jah!

    Chiapas: geographicaly Central and politicaly North America. Where the Mayan Quetzal meets the Nahuatl Serpent. Homeland of the divine Kukulcan or Quetzalcoatl, the Serpent with the Rainbow feathers of the Quetzal, name of the white bearded Messiah with sky eyes, who prophecized a thousand years ago that he would come back.

    Above the Quetzal is the Serpent's head, a point of connection, a matter of refelexion, crowns the ascencion. By its successive waves, the Rainbow Serpent has largely extended since Costa Rica, without speaking about since it was born from our collective vision last year in South America.

    Since the end of the gathering in Costa Rica, some have reached Québec by way of sky. Brother Bear has already done a scouting tour with the Anishnabes. André and Mercury are on their way to further explorations. Maria is focalizing several files on the internet.

    Some have reached Québec by way of land. Jeff (Belgium) and Flavien(France) arrived in Montréal last week. Others we came accross have taken the road to California and some are already there. Others are still in Mexico and Central America, on their way north.

    Hessan and Tessa are passing Durango. Elikah, Ansuz, Fabris and Fanny wrote from Tikal. Pedro Pajarito tells us that a circus bus with 18 artists from 6 countries has already given shows in Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Honduras. They are planning a mexican tour from Tijuana (june 17) to Lagunas de montebelo (july 22-25).

    Jenn informs us that the caravan of 29 horses and 24 people has left Nicoya and reached Monte Verde, ready to keep moving north.

    The path of the Rainbow Serpent has written a message in Central America, made of seven runes, like the chakras of the continental serpent: a diamond, an isocel triangle, a cross, a double arc, a complete circle, an equilateral triangle and a straight line, on top of the serpent's head. ODa Ta MOAI... Praise the Father of the gods! A message from the ancient divine masters of Mu, that we were.

    In its throat, tha atlantean Nahuatl serpent holds the Mayan quetzal from Mu, who has been reactivated by the Rainbow Serpent to allow him to free himself, to take back his colorful feathers.

    The Rainbow Serpent continues north to awaken and strengthen its shakti and the planetary kundalini. It reenergizes the continental serpent, to help him to free himself from the grip of the eagle's claws.

    Then, the Rainbow Serpent will continue north to awaken the chakras of the Eagle. Above the Eagle, is the Rainbow and the Sun. The Eagle carries the Sun on his wings. Only the solar light or fire can rise above the Eagle to purify him, either by consciousness or by destruction, to free him from himself, by letting go of his grip.

    When the Rainbow Serpent will reach the top of the head of the Eagle, the Great Purification by solar light and fire will come to Turtle Island.

    Above the Sun, are the stars, marking the passing of time and watching over the Cosmic Order. And above the star beings, the Creator, Father of the ancient divine beings. ODa Ta MOAI...

    But below our feet and the Serpent belly is our Mother Earth, the Ancient Great Turtle, towards which we must return together.

    In the planetary grid of the 20 mayan glyphs from jose arguelles, Quebec lies within the sign of the Blue Eagle. North America, knowned as Turtle Island, also has the appearance of the Eagle. Baja California his tail, Alaska his wing and Québec his head. His crown chakra will finaly awaken and activate itself.

    The Eagle and the Turtle will be united in Peace, Heaven and Earth, the Mighty and the Humble, the visionary and the patient. Boundaries will fall when the collective karmas will be cleared.

    Then, the Rainbow Serpent, at the Eagle's example, will have to spread open its dragon wings and rise in the sky, to create a new intercontinental bridge.

    For Australian Aboriginals, the Rainbow Serpent is called Boamie. They predicted that he would circle around the world, as it was in the begining.

    With Central America, the 4th Rainbow World gathering has gone half way around the world since Ausrtalia. The 4th is also the middle of the seven Rainbow colors. Seven continents, counting three Americas, and the gathering in Costa Rica was the closest ever from the equator.

    Boamie wrote a message: ODa Ta MOAI: Praise the Father of the ancient divine beings!

    In its pilgrimage around the globe, Boamie awakens and revives the ancient sacred spirits of the ancestrals deities, as he also learns the mystic revelations from them, the carekeepers of the Earth, who are uniting their powers in a mighty circle of planetary healing.

    The colors of the Quetzal, of the Serpent, of the Eagle and of the Turtle shine again and join in a circle of Peace and Light, a Rainbow above, around and connecting the Earth to the Sun.

    When our circle around the world will be complete and thet all tribes will have united their wisdoms, we will finaly see appear the dawn of the new world, which solar rays will come to erase the darkness of the night of this passing world we are leaving behind, wich will only leave ruins and memories for the future generation.

    So, we will gather again until all the tribes are reunited in a Circle of All Nations for a Culture of Peace. One World Rainbow Family! We are the ones we have been waiting for! A New People is coming! So the prophecies say. -Bo-

  2. jivre

    jivre Member

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    L'ile tortue est ce que l'on appelle aujourd'hui le bouclier canadien (carapace de tortue)qui fut toujours à surface depuis que la terre existe et est les plus vieille terre connue, ç'est pkoi que les ancien l'appelle terre de grand-mère ou la source de vie, maintenant les indiens blanc ou guerriers(res) de l'arc-en-ciel sont de retours sur cette ile pour le nouveau monde du 3em millénaire.....


    L'ile tortoise is what it calls the Canadian shield today (carapace of turtle) who was always on surface since the ground exists and is oldest known ground, it's why that old calling ground of grandmother or the source of life, maintaining the Indians white or warriors of rainbow is returns on this island for the new world of the thousand-year-old 3em...


    ¡L'ile tortuga es lo que l'on llama hoy el escudo canadiense (caparazón de tortue)qui fue todavía a superficie desde que la tierra existe y es la más vieja conocida tierra, ç'est pkoi que la antiguo l'appelle tierra de abuela o la fuente de vida, manteniendo a los indios blanco o belicosos (as) del arco-iris están de vueltas sobre esta isla para el nuevo mundo del 3em milenario.....


    L'ile tartaruga é que l'on chama hoje o escudo canadiano (carapace de tortue)qui continuou à superfície desde a terra existe e é mais velha a terra conhecida, ç'est pkoi que antigo a l'appelle terra de avó ou a fonte de vida, mantendo os indianos branca ou guerreros(ras) de arco-iris são de regressos sobre esta ilha para o novo mundo do 3em milenário.....


    L'ile schildpad is wat vandaag het schild (schild van tortue)qui was altijd aan oppervlakte canadees noemt sinds de aarde bestaat en de oudste bekende aarde, ç'est pkoi is dat oud de l'appelle aarde van grootmoeder of de bron van leven, die de oorlogsIndiërs wit of (res) van l'arc-en-ciel handhaven, van terugkeer op dit eiland voor de nieuwe wereld van millénaire 3em.....

  3. makno

    makno Senior Member

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    so , what are you trying to say to me ....concidering the fact that i know deep in my bones the shit hasnt another 10 yrs before it blows!no preaching to quior needed for me its obvious that civilizations noisy collapse is eminent!...ive been indisposed of late bro but did try to tell my peeps in c. rica bout the gath.that area is of extreme special interest to me!...dime en parablas simple que va a hasser para aiudar las cambias y sobrivivr ensienando la joventude!
  4. sushumna

    sushumna Member

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    Je devais venir au Quebec mon cher Jivre pour ce Rainbow Gathering qui s'annonce merveileux. Malheureusement, mes ennuis de santé m'obligent à rester en France. Je voulais tellement te rencontrer et te faire de grands hugs, mais je chargerais ma belle Rainbowgirl de le faire à ma place.
    Mes pensées seront tournées tout le mois d'Août en direction de l'Ile Tortue, ainsi, même si j'y suis pas avec mon corps, j'y serais avec mon esprit.
    Plein d'amour et de hugs !
    Om, paix ! [​IMG]

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