Rainbow help for Katrina-displaced folks

Discussion in 'Rainbow Family' started by earthmother, Sep 1, 2005.

  1. earthmother

    earthmother senior weirdo

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    I've watched enough of the hurricane news on the boob tube to seriously believe that as many family as possible with busses, kitchens, trucks, medical supplies, etc., should head for New Orleans and surrounding devistated areas to help. We know as much about surviving and feeding masses of people as anyone. Donations of food etc. would be quite easy to come by right now, enroute, because so many people are looking for ways to help. The refugees could definately use our love and experience right now. Where better to put our energies? It makes more sense than hanging out in the woods somewhere, partying. And with so many people angry at the government now, for not doing enough to help, it would be a great time for Rainbow to lend a hand and a great big F--- YOU to the government. If I had the means, I'd already be on the way. Lets mobilize!!!
  2. scarlett

    scarlett Member

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    I wouldn't want to go into New Orleans at all right now. Some of the people are SHOOTING at rescuers trying to help them. It's getting out of control there.
  3. dilligaf

    dilligaf Banned

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    i think there are man yof us that would love to do that,,, although for us it is impossible... we are however going to open up the land here n offer what ever we have to who ever we can. we have the fifth wheel for a family n possibly an extra room n we always have tent space which aint the greatest but atleast we have phone, net, water, n food etc.... and today alone i have heard so many say they would also like to do the same but cant find anythign in that direction anywhere, tonite i called the red cross for our area n asked how to host folks and to please find a way to get something running for folks to be able to list them selves .... i tried talking the boss man into a truck n n taking donations n we take it down ,,, paid of course ;) since we cant afford to take time off but would love to go n help :p... but lets not forget that this is not going away anytime soon..... this is just in the beginning stages n to begin to clean up alone will literally take months if not years n the whole rebuilding process will take a damned long time,,, i just hope that folks dont tire of all of it way too soon n fizzle out n say fukkem cuz we all know deep down somewhere that that just wouldnt be fawkin rite... even in a few weeks when people think it should be well on its way to recovery,,, it just aint gonna be,,, it is still gonna be in its infancy.... so even if we cant all go n help now or take folks in now,,,,, remember it is still gunna be there in a few weeks, months .....
  4. Midget

    Midget Senior Member

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    Wow this idea rocks...I wish I could go down with a group of yall and help. I'll be sending some good positive vibes your way, though, if a team of yall gather up to go down. :) Well, I'm sending those vibes towards the rescuers, volunteers, etc anyway...that are down there already. There was just a big story on the news!
  5. Catfish

    Catfish Member

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    I was having the same thoughts i am trying to pull the swamp kitchen back together and trying to help these people,any one interested ?
  6. hippiestead

    hippiestead Ms.Cinnamon

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    There's a brother on AGR asking folks to set up a Emergency Rainbow Gathering in a Mississippi National Forest (HHB-if you could copy the AGR thread or something-it'd be great) This is definately a good idea-maybe mini-gatherings near all the hardest hit areas is what we here were thinking. maybe the folks who can't get away to help could donate supplies & food to help keep these gatherings going as long as they are needed. It's an idea and maybe if we all spread it as fast & far as we can; maybe we can show folks what Love & Rainbow is all about.
  7. Catfish

    Catfish Member

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    It would be nice if we could find some of the other kitchens and make a "mass efort"
  8. balance_n_venus

    balance_n_venus Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    Wow! My family & I are from Biloxi Mississippi, were safe in Austin Texas now . We were out today looking for a new home , trying to get a new bank account set up so that my husband would have somewhere to recieve his checks etc... Just trying to get our lives in order , somehow .Everywhere we went & everyone we met tried to help in some way or another. I found myself in tears many times because of the love coming our way from complete strangers . Its Amazing !!! We're going through alot right now & it can be very overwhelming at times , but I feel so Lucky ,Everyone in our family is safe , we've all lost alot , but we have oneanother & thats what really matters.I just wanted to say a HUGE THANK YOU for thinking about all of us .It means the world right now . Thank You !
  9. Catfish

    Catfish Member

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    I know it's not much but if you and your family need a place i live in NC and you are more than welcome to come and stay with me and mine
  10. balance_n_venus

    balance_n_venus Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    What do you mean , it's not much ? Thats Awesome ! We were lucky my husband recently left his job of 8 years to take a higher position for another company .Otherwise we would have no money coming in for our family , now he works all over the U.S & Canada. We were planning to relocate to Austin , just not this soon .So now weve decided to push it up , we feel like we have no choice . But thats really awesome of you to offer .Thanks ! :)
  11. flmkpr

    flmkpr Senior Member

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    if folks go to set up kithens and sutch and come through east tn. i got two hands and more than willing to put them to use pm me!!!
  12. hippiestead

    hippiestead Ms.Cinnamon

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    Alive & Safe. Yea!!!!! There are Rainbow folks all over Austin. You should be able to hook up with some folks at Ruta Maya on Congress Ave the #13 bus(#1 if you are north of Town Lake) should get you there, Ruta Maya is behind the Expose Gentleman's Club. All we can offer ourselves is tent space in the country but if that's something you're into, please go talk to JuJu Saturday at the 23rd St Artist Mkt. across from UT; he's the colorful hippie with the tie-dyes.

    Much Love & Good thoughts to you & yours
  13. WanderingturnupII

    WanderingturnupII Grouchy Old Fart

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  14. peacechicka1

    peacechicka1 Member

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    It is terrible that the fricken government wont get some food or water etc down there . There has got to be a place to get these people where they are safe and not going to get shot at. Fuck Bush and the gov. if they are not going to do anything . Let the fellow citizens form a gov. if they have to to help those in need !!! :mad:
  15. hippiestead

    hippiestead Ms.Cinnamon

    Likes Received:
    This is info carried over from AGR

    Newsgroups: alt.gathering.rainbow
    From: "Pronoid" <pronoidcent...@excite.com>
    Date: 2 Sep 2005 11:15:48 -0700
    Local: Fri, Sep 2 2005 1:15 pm
    Subject: Re: ATTN: Please Please Please Read this, how Rainbow an help the Gulf people

    just got off the phone with huck from green circus. they are awaiting
    fuel on the side of the US Rt. 49 in brooklyn, ms, which is very near
    the location of the yearly missinhippie gathering. please note that
    the eyewall passed over this part of the de soto national forest and it
    will probably be completely inaccessible to vehicle traffic possibly
    for years due to fallen trees and washed out roads.

    huck says they considered doing it rainbow style in the woods until
    they realized that no one has gas to drive to the woods and it's too
    far to walk. as soon a they get some fuel, they intend to head for
    gulfport, ms, which has been virtually wiped off the map like much of
    the gulf coast from the la border to mobile, al.

    the Granola Funk is carefully springing into action. we have
    established NOLA's Ark, which plans to leave from Asheville sometime
    between sunday and tuesday. we have secured water tanks and may take
    water filters (although not sure if they'd be effective), propane and
    propane accessories, pots and coocery, and are working on loading my
    bus down with as much good rainbow food as possible to get down there
    and start feeding. but we will not be going to the woods. we have not
    decided on a destination because we don't know where we can be most
    effective. but wherever we go, it will be done in fine Funk style
    (stage and all). while our greatest concern is for those who need
    help, we are being very careful to respect the situation and not become
    refugees ourselves.

    for those in the area, NOLA's Ark will host a benefit in Asheville this
    coming Thursday night. the best thing family who can't leave to join
    the effort can do is to hold their own benefits and otherwise get
    together, thank the creator of their choice for their good fortune,
    pray for those less fortunate, and support the efforts of those on the
    ground however possible.

    more info forthcoming as it becomes available. if you're interested in
    involving yourself in NOLA's Ark, please email me privately at

    peace y'all

    1. ARON KAY Sep 2, 3:49 pm
    Newsgroups: alt.gathering.rainbow
    From: "ARON KAY" <pie...@pieman.org> -
    Date: Fri, 02 Sep 2005 20:49:49 GMT
    Local: Fri, Sep 2 2005 3:49 pm
    Subject: hudson valley hurricane aid


    The Hudson Valley Hurricane Aid Mobilization
    We are looking for donations of Busses, Trucks, drivers, clothes, underwear
    {new only} shoes, blankets, camping supplies etc. to bring down in a caravan
    to the Gulf coast area. All labor is being donated.

    Friday, September 02, 2005

    We (HVHAM) are accepting donations of clothes {new underwear only} shoes,
    blankets, camping supplies as well as Busses, Trucks, drivers, cash (for the
    cost of fuel tolls and food for the drivers) to bring down in a caravan to
    the Gulf coast area or to the shelters that will accept them. We will be
    setting up drop-off sites as soon as we get the trucks to move the collected
    goods. For further information and to help contact us at h
    ...@hvc.rr.com or
    call 845-246-6363. We will NOT use the cash for anything but the expenses of
    the logistics all labor is being donated.

    posted by Hudson Valley Hurricane Aid Mobilization at 1:16 PM

    from MySpace Rainbow Groups:

    Posted: Sep 2, 2005 12:36 AM

    Hello to all our friends in South Texas. We will be volunteering for search and rescue missions in Louisianna and on the way back we will be traveling to Houston to adopt several families and provide them with shelter in our homes and help them find employment locally. I am sure there will be no place to live and no decent jobs for quite some time in the local areas affected.

    If you have a few days and want to be involved in Search and Rescue or just want to volunteer and help in any way possible then call these numbers in Baton Rouge LA. The volunteer people there are exausted and desparate for help.


    We tried FEMA and other organizaitions and was put on terminal hold and got nowhere. The numbers above are people ON THE SITE/AREA in Louisianna and are extremely tired and need help. You'll get to talk to an actual person involved in relief efforts.Grab some friends, load up, and get over there. It will be a memory you will never forget and you can tell your grandchildren how you helped your country in this never before event.

    Where do you put 1 Million refugees??? As Citizens we can't sit back and rely on the government to do everything.

    Use your brains and think out of the norm. Here is an idea...If you know real estate agents, relatives, property managers, or people with resources....ask them to find others who would be willing to give a family free rent or housing for 1-2 months until they can get a job and get back on their feet. Or adopt a family. They have nothing left to go back to.

    Can you imagine living in a Stadium? How do you lay down to sleep? How do you sleep with thousands of people constantly making noise?

    Raising money is great... but lives are at stake and manpower is needed. If you can volunteer then please do it and call the numbers above. If you have no money other than a jar full of change in your home...then donate to the red cross. $10 will buy a kit to start an IV on someone who is dehydrated and malnourished.

    Thanks to everyone for their support! PLEASE REPOST...If one person that sees this message helps in anyway...then we all accomplished something.

    Electric Ocean
  16. dilligaf

    dilligaf Banned

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  17. soaringeagle

    soaringeagle Senior Member

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    rainbow to the rescue
    it just goes to show the power & compassion & unconditional love that is the rainbow family of living light.
    let our love shine like a beacon of hope, let ou hearts guide us to do what is right, & let our hands do the work needed to make the world a happier place
    if all who have bellybuttons are family, we can not ignore the millions of our brothers & sisters suffering..
    however i must say this since noone else has, the very last thing they need there is 1 single drainbow who would be a drain on the already severely limmited rescources, if you choose to go & i hope many do make the choice, go in the knowlefdge that your going to be giving all you have, & working your asses off to releive the suffering & dont expect to be having much time to just bliss
    although i am glad granola is doing the stage too, cause the entertainment wi,ll go a long way towards restoring a sence of normalcy to life..
    we love you
  18. natural23

    natural23 Senior Member

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    Peace and Strength to Rainbow.
  19. MamaTheLama

    MamaTheLama Too much coffee

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    The forest is probably NOT a good idea right now...the flood waters will have awakened a whole new generation of mosquito...and the reptiles (snake and gator alike) need a chance to settle down before people come tramping through....especially down by the water. I still can't get a call thru to Brooklyn 90% of the time...the phone companies are having a heck of a time...even cell phones have been down.
    BTW...this is coming from someone that was a Brooklyn,MS local for half a decade. I'm just not sure sending people into the wildernes at this point is a good thing.

    Still going down and lending a hand getting clean water and food,etc to displaced people cant be a bad thing....just dont set your mind to the whole "its bad 'cause its in babylon mentality"..it's humanity and it's always there...even on the pavement.
  20. mariecstasy

    mariecstasy Enchanted

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    i wish i could go....but i help in the only ways i know how...and that are afforded to me...

    yay for all that are doing what needs to be done....
    how can i help....what can i donate for your cause...i cant go personally....what would be the best i can offer..

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