Rainbow Healing Retreats

Discussion in 'Rainbow Family' started by wandering spirit, Sep 10, 2005.

  1. wandering spirit

    wandering spirit Banned

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    History and Vision of Rainbow Healing Retreats

    During the 3rd Israeli Rainbow Gathering in 1994 a vision was announced to create a post-gathering healing retreat. The vision came through a realization from Gabi Rainbow that the existing gatherings were often a hectic place of meeting and activity involving a more-than-usual consumption of the common addictions such as coffee, chai, tobacco, sweet foods and talking. As a result of this and from living in an irregular environment, many people were experiencing exhaustion or becoming ill during gatherings.

    The vision became a reality. Approximately 50 people came together to experience the beauty of abundant space, healthy food and abstinence from all addictive products. It was seen as important that people did not leave the area of the camp during the time of retreat.

    During the 10-day retreat many people felt revitalised and more focused. However there was also a lot of negative energy because people were expressing their hardships and problems through anger towards other brothers and sisters.

    This chaos was addressed with a new vision in 1997 at the Greek healing retreat: to incorporate 5 days of silence. This process enabled people to realize that any anger or problems being felt originated within themselves. Through becoming focused and introspective the energy of the camp became much more peaceful and rewarding. In the healing retreat in Israel in 1997 we added two daily meditations which we felt brought better results for ourselves. It was the first time that all the camp was sitting together in silence in one space and watching within. Now, in India, we are taking the process further and deeper with:

    -7 days of silence
    -4 daily meditations
    -Dropping of activities such as reading, writing and anything else which distracts attention.

    Every retreat is unique and the guidelines are determined by a talking circle before each retreat.

    once determined, a commitment is asked of everyone to adhere to the guidelines and to be respectful of the schedule. We find this sense of commitment is very important to the healing process.

    An example of a healing retreat schedule:

    - dawn walking and group meditation -bhajans
    - self practice such as yoga, tai chi
    - breakfast -massage
    - morning meditation - music
    - walking meditation
    - lunch(last meal)
    - afternoon meditation
    - sunset meditation
    - group readings/teachings (Also, optional workshops can be done daily)

    < This article has been written to raise awareness of individual growth and to inspire other families to incorporate healing retreats into their rainbow calendars.>

    The June/2008 World Gathering will be in China.
  2. wandering spirit

    wandering spirit Banned

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    co-evolution plus! the earth is a rainbow!
  3. WanderingturnupII

    WanderingturnupII Grouchy Old Fart

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    Now that's what I call a good time!!

    Now you won't have to bump your own thread again in another month and a half. You're welcome.

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