Railroad radiation causing cancer

Discussion in 'The Environment' started by TooMuchTheMagicBus, Aug 22, 2005.

  1. TooMuchTheMagicBus

    TooMuchTheMagicBus Member

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    I was born in a town in northern Spain called Irun. It had been found that there was a significant percentage for young children in Irun with different types of cancer (bone, brain, stomach etc.), this percentage was higher and more concentrated in Irun than in any other city in Spain.
    It's recently been published that there is a high amount of radiation produced by Irun's railroad system which runs through the middle of the city and is extremely active. All the activity, fueling and etc. is causing all of this radiation to be released which in turn is causing many children to die from cancer.
    I have a 3 year old cousin that lives there that is suffering from leukemia and its such a hard thing to deal with. She gets sick very often and has to be hospitalized because any small cold she has very easily turns into bronchitis and more serious things like that and she gets extremely high fevers. It hurts to see a little girl go through that pain and know that she has a disease that could very possibly kill her.
    And what's the city of Irun doing about this? Nothing.

    It's just something to think about.
  2. crispy_creme

    crispy_creme Banned

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    how is the train releasing radiation?

    or do you mean pollution for the exhuasts?
  3. TooMuchTheMagicBus

    TooMuchTheMagicBus Member

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    no it's radiation, they're powered by this electrical system to where they're exactly on time all the time it's called the "toppo" over there, and apparently it releases radiation.

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