I think its just Funny !! http://metro.co.uk/2016/05/27/is-this-the-most-racist-advert-of-all-time-5908088/
Also On The Same Page Of The Link Is The Italian Version Where She Sticks A Over Amourous Italian Man In And A Big Black Man Comes Out...... Cheers Glen.
Interesting how things seen as racist have to arise from a racially devided culture in the first place. It is one human female shoving one human male into a washing machine and another human male coming out. Childish really
My point was that its not really racist ! I didn't laugh butwasn't outraged either a First time I've tried to post from my mobile (
I don’t find it racist at all. Now If I were to call a Chinese Restaurant and order ……… Salmonella Soup General Tso’s Rat and Rodent Platter Bean Crud Peking Dog Tiananmen Square Road kill Special Chop Stewie (Family Guy) Shih Tzu Salad Szechuan Cat Now that’s racist…………. Hotwater
Chinese detergent maker sorry for harm done by racist ad http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2016/05/29/chinese-detergent-maker-sorry-harm-done-racist-ad/85121362/ #racismsucks