I came to the conclusion that racist or just hateful people suffer from self hate.I learned not to take them so serious cause how they treat you single they view themselves this world is filled with self hate and ignorance
I think you're young. But what I've learned with age is to avoid them. Because it's just not okay with me. I have been around when guys were actively saying racist things; not about me, but about other ethnic groups (non-white). And I decided not to hang out with that group anymore because they were doing drugs and I wanted to get clean. For awhile I was really influenced by the interaction with them; they had been my friends and had at some point taken to racism probably because the dealers were or something. Anyway, after I stopped hanging around them their influence on me dissipated and finally, years later, I feel like I'm not racist. For awhile I know much of my decision making/theorizing was, I'm sad to say, very prejudiced. But now I love people of color and am even a little excited when it seems like society is learning to accept them. And I see fewer racist people in the city where I'm living than the one where I used to live, which is good.
Racism, sexism, ageism.... - life is too short and precious to hold those hateful beliefs and attitudes.
Racism is short sited. Earth is a multi colony hive and it is in the interest of all colonies to form one single colony.
Racism is disgusting. It's bullying somebody because of their cultural reasons, nationality, colour of their skin, etc. It's not on. It's another gross habit by some individuals who really should know a bit better than to pick on people who can't help the skin and the nationality they are brought up in.
I think some people are drawn to racist ideologies because it seems to give off a rebellious feel. Some people like to find a way to say "fuck you" to society, and most people are easily disgusted by the things racists say and do. And it gives these people a thrill to evoke these feelings out of others. That being said, there are a wide variety of less harmful ways to say "fuck you" to society rather than joining a hate group.
If by “trolling for the alt-lite” you mean red-pilling social marxists who are deep in a slumber of a government supremacist state of mind. Then sure, why not. That’s not saying fuck you to society. That’s doing a charitable deed
Racism is a general term. We all have thought something racist at times. We can't equate every form of racism with eachother as the most atrocious form of it (which it can obviously be and regularly is, not dismissing that).
Yeah basically this. My mom can be racist af but she's not at all hateful. She just grew up in a homogenized society and throws blanket statements about entire races of people around. it doesn't make it right but she's not a malicious person. It isn't coming out of hate... it is coming out of personal perception and misunderstanding. Dare I even say, ignorance
I think it's more fear and ignorance than self-hate....though I don't doubt sometimes self-hate is a factor.
Are those really what you think though? Because both sound fairly extreme and inaccurate. I don't think that describes anyone in fact. Maybe it does though... who's on about Marx anyway? :laugh: lol I get what you're saying about government supremacy, but I don't really see the problem. Or the alternative. I mean, isn't that where our solutions are going to come from for problems like healthcare & the environment? It's the government that will ultimately uphold, renew, or disavow regulations on either really.
Altruism and volunteerism are good -isms, just to name two. I prefer them to jism and the other mentioned -isms.
It has been my experience that the more strongly a person identifies with race, the more likely he or she is to hold racist beliefs and to judge others based on perceptions of race. Show me a person who walks into a room and mentally sorts everyone in it according to perceived race and categorizes everyone in the room as "like me" and "not like me" and I'll show you a person who embraces racist beliefs. The strangest thing about this is that if you tell that person that not everyone does this, they won't believe you. There's a saying that when a bald man walks into a room, all he sees is hair. It's not universally true, but there is definitely some truth to it. We all perceive the world differently and we all have our filters. For racists, that filter is race. If it's your primary filter for interacting with people, you're probably a racist. If you identify strongly with one racial identity, you're probably a racist. Some people when asked to describe themselves will put race in first, second, or third position. That's a serious red flag. I much prefer to be around people who wouldn't get to it until they've already told you 174 other more interesting and prominent things about themselves, or who don't have it on their list of personal characteristics at all. As human characteristics go, it's shallow and superficial. The whole notion of race is based on self-identification, and in adulthood anyone is free to opt-out.