So this local station weather man is fired for jumbling the words "King" and "Junior", which came out as "coon." Or that's what he claimed. What do you think?
How would a guy say coon under ANY circumstances when talking about MLK? MO is that he thinks he's pretty slick slipping that in.
I saw the video and thought it was that thing when you start the next word too soon...I do it all the time but I saw the dude and his wife in an interview and he totally came off as a douche knocker
Of all the words to come out when talking about MLK a man which racists hate. That is either really bad luck or what was in his heart.
There used to be a skit on Saturday Night Live called Mr. Subliminal which reminds me of Jeremy Kappell’s so-called slip-of-the tongue. It was as if he was wording what he really thought of MLK Jr.
Sounds like he's been saying the stormfront version so much this just flowed out naturally for him. I've noticed a lot of on-air personalities just go into full spew mode during their delivery without listening to what they are saying. If you get in the habit of saying someone a certain way most of the time, it will come back to haunt. Which is why I don't allow profanity in the house, it becomes a habit. What's next of course is the obligatory job loss, terrorizing of his family and holding marches till he goes off the radar or another, juicier story comes along.