Qur’an: 13:27 : Allah leaves astray whom He wills and guides to Himself whoever turns back [to Him] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abu_Talib_ibn_Abdul_Muttalib Abū Ṭālib's died circa 619,at more than 80 years of age, 10 years after the Prophet received revelation. This year is known as the Year of Sorrow because Khadija, Muhammad’s عليه السلام wife, within a month of Abu Talib. Before he dies, Muhammad عليه السلام asks Abu Talib to say the shahada. According to one tradition, Abu Talib refuses because he claims that the Quraysh (who were present) would mock him and accuse him of saying the shahada because he fears death. In another tradition Abu Talib is dissuaded from saying the shahada by the Quraysh. According to the historiographer Fred McGraw Donner, both of these traditions have very old issnads but the first variation has two different issnads which might suggest that the second variation is a modification of the older, first variation. In yet another variation of Abu Talib’s death, al-‘Abbas who was sitting next to Abu Talib as he died saw Abu Talib moving his lips. Al-‘Abbas claims that Abu Talib had said the shahada but Muhammad عليه السلام replied that he had not heard it. Some Muslims see this as proof that Abu Talib died a Muslim. However, the majority of sources state that Abu Talib died a pagan and an infidel. After Abu Talib’s death, the Prophet was left unprotected. Abu Talib’s successor, Abu Lahab did not protect him. Muhammad عليه السلام and his followers faced incredible persecution. Muhammad is quoted as exclaiming, “By God. Quraysh never harmed me so much as after the death of Abu Talib”. The early Muslims relocated in Medina in order to escape persecution by the Quraysh. The proof that Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'Ala decides all things. Including who will be led to belief and who will be led astray. Abu Talib did so much for the faith of Islam and he was still amongst the unbelievers. Be happy that we have been honored to be amongst the believers حينما أُغرقُ في عينيكِ عيني, ألمح الفجر العميقا وأرى الأمس العتيقا وأرى ما لست أدري, وأحسّ الكون يجري بين عينيكِ وبيني .
With all due respect---doesn't it get boring to constantly have your life consumed by all things Islam?? I mean it just bores the shit outta' me to read about it. Of course the same goes for those who practice other rituals over rationales of ancient texts. Life is happening now. To go deep into the past to qualify the future seems a waste of brain power and life, considering the short time we humans have here. Do you really need all that in order to be a fully realized person??
You believe because you have seen, blessed are those who believe because they have not seen, that is those who believe there is something to find.
I totally agree with Scratcho !! What a waste of time, religion is garbage, and I mean ALL religion.....Get a life people.
I had a life, a good life I thought, then Allah (swt) lifted the scales from my eyes. Now I have a life.
That's good. If you NEED it, then have it. But please don't go off the 'deep end' and harm those of us that don't want or need it. And I would add that to treat women as chattel or mere possessions of men, belies any good that an adherent of ANY rationale, modern or ancient, claims to have. Have a nice day.