Hi, newbie here. I don't know if it's the right place to ask but I'll ask anyway: What is commonly known about the 5th dimension? I vaguely know that this is a dimension of pure love and happiness, but I'd like to know more specific things about it, like: Do the laws of physics work there like in the 3rd dimension, or do they work differently? Are there animals there too? Or aliens? Do species need to eat each other to survive like in the 3rd dimension, or do they have alternative ways to sustain themselves? Do humans who live there have alternate ways to bring children to the world other than mating? Does death exist there? If the 5th dimension is a place of pure love and happiness, do they have any problems/conflicts at all? Thanks
Two physical dimensions may be quite enough . Ours is one , yet we rationally experience the other and treat it respectfully however the incompleteness of knowing it .
Scientifically speaking, there is no verifiable fifth dimention, and thus, I think everyone's idea of what the fifth dimention is or may be is based off of vastly different sets of ideas. Some of these ideas are inspired by unproven theories of physics, and some are likely inspired by practitioners of mysticism who have come to their conclusion through Intuition. So I am afraid you might not find a solid answer on this one.
again people are conflating dimention with fraim of reference. a dimention is i single scalor quantity, such as each of the cartisian vectors individually by itself. a paralel universe, such as a mystical metaverse, is a complete fraim of reference encompasing multiple dimentions, such as x,y,z, and time, which only adds up to four. or you could have a number five as one of the eleven dimensions of string theory. but please, no parallel universe is or has, only a single dimention. even flatland has two.
Yah that too. The coloquialized definition of dimention implies some sort of alternate world, but that is far from the scientific definition of a dimention. I think some of the confusion may be driven by statements like "we exist in the third dimention" or sometimes they say fourth, but it implies that it is a place.
For many yrs weve been sorta hypnotized into the 3d concepts as being all there is. We partially did this to ourselves as well as others doing it to us. As well others help us insomuch as they were allowed to. This had gone on awhile in our pasts. & occasionally we break outa this. As we had done on many occasions of varying durations.