like, all the replies, peace gives alot fo info
Hi! Embarking on a year trip around the world to see if I can change my life (I actually will from the comments I've been receiving from friends). I came to this forum because I want to explore communes in South-East Asia and Europe. Most of my dearest friends are hippy-ish and I often mostly felt the best surrounded by them. I have planned to do woofing, that is pretty easy, but finding hippy-communes is hard, I have not found one yet where I am heading, except for Craviola in France. Well, that's about it for me, in short, I've gotten rid of my material possessions since last April and now down to a backpack of stuff to help me live. Leaving Canada on Sept. 28th, destination Bali for woofing. Would love to receive any references for communes/communities in South-East Asia and Europe so I can explore this life-style, I feel crazy in the american way of living! Thanks, Paul