so we got some seeds off someone and my mom put some in a pot that she had a flower in at one time has it sitting by the window. what are the chances it will grow good? I told my mom might not be a good idea too have it by a cold window and should have a grow light but she is not listing too me. I will post pics, of the start I see something really small popping up I know pics would be more helpful will take them now
you can grow a novelty <(a small and inexpensive toy or ornament. ) plant on the windowsill , you can not grow buds on a windowsill at the end of fall..
Orison is right. Shit aint gonna grow. My buddy used to put his in his closet with a shitty ass lightbulb, taped up the light cracks so no light would escape the closet and ended up getting a 8 ounce yield.
you really need to grow a brain instead of marijuana.. . Yes sweet love you can grow 20pounds of cannabis marijuana on a windowsill in winter.. :flyhigh:
Won't happen. You'll get a very stretched sickly plant, that's looking for light, and will never bud. The glass, as I understand it, blocks all the UV and other wavelengths the plant really wants. You'd have far better results with a cheap grow bulb that screws into a normal fixture, I believe. For normal houseplants, having a window open (if it's not too cold there) is the difference between pale sickly green and highly stretched growth, and healthy blue-green and normal growth. And weed likes a lot more light than most houseplants.
I have heard many stories I have a friend who planted one in his uncles land and was suppose too turn out shitty was the best pot they had
I know that if you knew my mom she never listen's I like too think I know some what about growing just from this site and reading other stuff online and seeing a few grow rooms. I am seeing little green leafs popping out well a start I can't believe how fast it's coming up
ive never grown bud, i do know a tiny bit about plants tho. many plants will survive with less light than they really need, but they won't really do much until they receive more light. they may not die, but they will not produce fruit until they receive the light they need. light is their source of energy.
They have sprouted well but your winter is just starting right? If they continue to grow they won't be the best they can be. From my growing experience weed likes lots of sun and lots of water.
You can grow relatively good pot in your kitchen or living room without a lamp and in front of a window. I saw it being done. But indeed, not when you start in autumn/winter time.
yeah, it's pretty much harvest time right now in North America for weed growing. Not only is the photoperiod going to be too short, the quality/color/spectrum of natural sunlight won't be correct for good vegetative growth. your only hope Jennifer is to grow it under lights.