Any of you understand the perfectness of the world in its relationship to science? The idea that all of science is just really perfection being understood. People say God made us in his image, maybe, or maybe he just wanted to make another perfect, growing, cohesive.PERFECT thing, just like he all ready was. So he made the universe, gave the chemicals in our periodic table, gave the world all that he was and made it into material perfection. The universe through perfect, key-and-lock security made everything you see, think, touch, see, and hear. The chemical reactions that let live occur perfectly without mistake, they occur millions of times over without flaw.
I think the introduce youself area is where you say Hello I'm Everythingconsumedin1 and I like figgy pudding HI
Im sorry I found the first thing I found when I got on the forum, I am a first time forum user, almost first time Lucy lover and I'm loving the lucy right now, just wanted to see what people thought of my idea