question regarding synergistic effect of a serotonergic psychedelic and dissociative

Discussion in 'Psychedelics' started by nesta, Aug 21, 2005.

  1. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    i've heard that serotonergic psychedelics such as LSD and Psilocybian mushrooms have a greatly synergistic effect with DXM. since my last experience with DXM i've become quite intrigued with this combination. i've always heard of dissociated states occurring in high doses of LSD and mushrooms, but have never really had it happen no matter how much i dosed. i am not made of money and can only dose so much with these black market substances.

    that said, i experienced one of the few drug-induced fully dissociated states of my entire life recently brought on by DXM. however, i do not fully trust the safety of DXM in such high dosages and would be worried about using it above about 300mg any more than once or twice a year (last experience, thursday night, was a full 600mg).

    my question is that since 300mg would be pretty much worthless for me by itself, would not cause a dissociative or psychedelic state worth mentioning but merely get me "fucked up," would it be worthless for me to mix this amount with, say, an eighth of mushrooms? i'm just curious about the qualitative aspects of the you need to dose more heavily on DXM according to which "plateau" you'd be aiming for, then add a gram or two of mushrooms, or will a lower plateau dose of DXM be enough to boost a normal 3.5g mushroom experience to a more dissociated type of experience?

    thing is i'd much rather take my mushrooms as normal and use just a little DXM to boost it....i like the idea of a predominantly psychedelic experience with a slightly dissociative edge to it, allowing for more inner exploration while laying down with eyes closed for most of the trip. but i'm just not sure if an eighth of mushrooms and 300mg of DXM might do that for me, or if i'd have to take a heavier dose of DXM and use just a little mushroom to make it more psychedelic and familiar.

    perhaps this is a stupid or confusing question. i don't any rate, i'm not going to try this anytime soon. i'm much more anxious to try rue/mushrooms first. no need to overdo the DXM thing by any means.
  2. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    i think i can restate this better.

    basically, when i did a high dose of DXM i found i had tremendous ease in letting go of my physical self when lying in the dark with closed eyes. my mind was allowed to fly around free of physical constraints and explore as it saw fit. but it wasn't incredibly deep, profound, or spiritual.

    LSD and mushrooms tend to have too many distracting external effects...they keep me generally very rooted in normal reality, with a psychedelic twist on it. i stay very grounded in my physical self and feel that where my mind more free from my body (requiring, of course, being stationary and comfortable) i could have much more spiritual and enlightening trips.

    basically the effect i'm looking for is this: little desire to move often or open my eyes to take in the outer world much, with great ability to remove myself from my everyday surroundings by laying with closed eyes. the ability to allow my mind to wander free and take me where it will, but with a greater psychological/spiritual depth than DXM has and a more vivid visual field. basically combining some of the best aspects of both drugs. most likely it will be mushrooms and DXM if and when i get around to trying this, but it may be DXM and acid.

    i am looking for advice of people who have knowingly, intentionally, and (hopefully) successfully tried to reach such a state by means of this or a similar combination.
    what was the ratio of DXM to LSD/mushrooms?
    what was set and setting like?
    how close are the effects you experienced to what i'm looking for?
    did you notice an increase in adverse somatic effects? if so, please offer description.

    i've heard such states can be accessed through LSD or mushrooms alone, but i haven't been able to no matter how high i dose, and even when i come close i usually just barely fall short, succumbing to other distractions such as music or movies or other external stimuli. furthermore, such experimenting becomes quite expensive. if i could use a smaller amount of LSD or mushrooms with a little DXM (300mg or less, ideally) to more easily achieve that effect, i could see quite a bit of potential gain. of course i realize this should never become a regular combination for me, but it's something i'm interested in trying. it seems like it may be a bit easier to handle than the syrian rue and mushroom combination i also look forward to trying eventually. my doubts about the DXM/mushroom combo spring mostly from the fact that i've heard its quite synergistic and you shouldnt just take normal doses of both until you're more familiar with it, but i don't like the idea of a high dose of DXM and low dose of mushrooms because i'm not fully convinced of DXM's safety, but i'm not sure i like the idea of a low dose of DXM and a normal/high dose of mushrooms because i'm afraid the DXM may not provide a more dissociative state like i desire at this dose, but rather add aspects of a 1st or 2nd plateau trip to the mushrooms.
  3. mellow

    mellow Eased

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    have you thought about experimenting with DMT or high doses of salvia divinorum? im sure they would give you the effects you seek
    or are you specifically looking for combination effects of LSD/DXM/Psilocybin?
  4. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    i'm particularly interested in a DXM/mushroom/acid combination.

    i think i will try DMT with my rue before the end of the year. exactly when i will be ready is very unsure, but i want very much to try it. however, i first want to get some more "preparation" trips under my belt first. one or two more high dosage mushroom experiences (say about a quarter), and at LEAST two rue/mushroom experiences. perhaps i wont get to DMT until next year. i'm fine. when it's time, i'll know.

    i've got some salvia and i've used it a number of times with results ranging from little, to intense and frightening but not overly psychedelic, to full blown out of this world psychedelic, spiritual experiences. however the brevity of the trip, the rapidity and intensity of the onset, and several other factors lend it to some serious drawbacks in comparison to some other drugs. it does have distinct and valuable advantages, but every benefit comes with a cost.

    i've heard that ketamine is more useful to most people than DXM, and if i had access to it and a little experience i might want to try it in place of the DXM, but i'm very curious about the potential of a dissociative/psychedelic combination for the reasons i've listed. i'm sure the experience will be very different from anything i've ever done, and unless i can find some very compelling reason not to i think i may very well try experimenting with it on my own (testing the waters first) if i can't find any good information on it, even anecdotal.
  5. mellow

    mellow Eased

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    well in that case i couldnt help you with dosage information or experiences, as i've never tryed these combinations before...i trust you've checked erowid?
  6. Weatherman

    Weatherman Member

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    I haven't heard alot about the synergistic effects between the traditional psychedelics and dissociatives save one trip report I vaguely remember from erowid, where the user had taken high doses of both LSD and DXM and had a terrifying experience. I don't think that's much help though, since that person was experimenting with higher doses than you're talking about. It's further confused by the fact that I've heard from alot of people that K and acid go great together, and from what I hear K is very similar to DXM.

    Both of the routes you mentioned sound intriguing. Since I seem to remember DXM being pretty weak on the visual spectrum, if I tried it again I'd certainly be interested in doing a 2 gram or so dose of mushrooms. I guess I get lucky with having OBEs on mushrooms when encouraged by weed, but I think adding a low dose of DXM would give it a good boost. Who knows. Why not try it? I know you mentioned it's not practical to be tripping very often, but just do whichever interests you most and if nothing else probably sometime in two weeks I'm going to be down for some righteous trip and I could scrounge up the necessary materials for some experimentation.
  7. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    sounds good, man. i think if i do get around to trying this, i'd want to do it with 2-4g of cubes and maybe 300mg of DXM, and if that doesnt take me where i want i think i'll go for 400-500mg DXM and 1.75-2.5g cubes, whatever feels right to me based on previous experience. i definitely think i'd prefer to start testing the waters with a higher mushroom dose and lower DXM dose first, again due to my uncertainty regarding the safety of DXM in high doses. of course i will want some oral antihistamines ready (one or two Diphenhydramine HCl tablets) and perhaps some topical spray to combat the itch, which was unbearable with my last DXM experience. i'll also want to have a sitter if i could have one available.

    there is minimal info on these combinations in the DXM faq and on erowid and such, but there is a little info. it sounds like it's apparently quite powerful.
  8. Weatherman

    Weatherman Member

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    Not sure if topical spray would help combat the itch since I believe it has to do with the actual sensation of touch in your brain and not being able to feel yourself. Hehe. You know what I mean.

    Sounds good though, definitely follow up with a trip report.
  9. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    i dunno, i've heard topical antihistamines (benadryl spray) can help. maybe not. i've heard oral antihistamines work, so i figure that perhaps the spray may help at least a little. it certainly wouldn't hurt. may be a good idea to have it on hand, just in case.
  10. Weatherman

    Weatherman Member

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    That may be so. I'm certainly not any sort of DXM expert. Hope it works for you.
  11. PhotoGra1

    PhotoGra1 Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    You would run an increased risk of "serotonin syndrome"
  12. Eugene

    Eugene Senior Member

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    Well, there is always the nausa to consider.
  13. StonerBill

    StonerBill Learn

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    yeh i was thinknin that...

    i wish dxm was more consistent. i took 600mg and didnt find it that interesting. i ended up in bed with the light out for a few. but thoughts werent productive like being stoned and time stopped moving.

    whereas other people talk about having amazing experiences of like 200-300 mg.

    so i dont think asking ppl for dosages for dxm is ever a good idea. you just gotta work off what you have felt.

    i dunno about the topical spray, i think as someone said that its a neurological thing. but you may as well try, cant hurt i guess. i personally found the itch was on my baack and scalp an neck and stuff and was really pleasurable.

    youre preparing a lot, you must really want to find something?
  14. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    Serotonin Syndrome: good point, i hadn't thought of that. you're probably right. i think that's probably enough to keep me away from this combination, come to think of it. there is absolutely no reason to fuck around when this can become a possibility. in my opinion safety should come first, and safety WAS my only real concern with this combination.

    nausea: i get nausea from the DXM preparations, but not shrooms...i doubt it would be much more intense

    consistancy of results for certain dosage: dosage really ought to be done based on mass, and then you'll get somewhat more consistant effects. for example, i weigh 137 pounds, which is about 62 kilograms. thats means for me, 600mg is a solid third plateau dose of around 9.68mg/kg. for an 80kg or 90kg person, though (roughly 175lbs or 200lbs), 600mg would be a strong second plateau dose of 7.5mg/kg and a solid second plateau dose of 6.67mg/kg respectively. the effects change markedly depending on what plateau your dose should take you to, and the euphoria people generally take it for at first or second plateau doses tend to dissappear at the third, and more notably fourth plateaus. 600mg won't usually cause the same degree of effects in different people unless they're roughly the same weight.
  15. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    in other words bill, if you took 600mgs expecting to feel even better than the people you know who take 300mg, you probably reached a low to respectably strong 3rd plateau dose where euphoria isnt too very common, whereas people taking 300 would generally be taking a 1st-2nd plateau dose, in which euphoria is more noticible.
  16. Weatherman

    Weatherman Member

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    I wasn't aware DXM was a serotonigenic drug. Does anyone have any more info on this?
  17. PhotoGra1

    PhotoGra1 Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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