The Designer Vagina thread reminded me of a few questions I have. Ladies with long labia minora (or inner labia - duh), 1) Does the longer inner labia ever enter your vagina during sex? I've seem some that is flappy, and I wonder if it stays outside or tends to go inside? 2) Does it stay moist in your undergarments or does it dry out with fabric contact? 3) Is it particularly sensitive? Please rate on a scale of 1-10 (1 being least sensitive, 10 being most). I also want to thank you in advance for your honesty and being open about this topic.
Ok so I'll start out by answering them myself. 1) Does the longer inner labia ever enter your vagina during sex? I've seem some that is flappy, and I wonder if it stays outside or tends to go inside? I don't have long inner labia so they don't enter me. 2) Does it stay moist in your undergarments or does it dry out with fabric contact? Mine has no contact with my panties, so it stays moist. 3) Is it particularly sensitive? Please rate on a scale of 1-10 (1 being least sensitive, 10 being most). In comparison to the clitoris, its a 7-8. Slightly brushing up against them can get me aroused.
Haha.. nooooo. But please, feel free to tell me about your vag. I am genuinely curious about this but no one wants to come forward!
Ok, just for you 1) Does the longer inner labia ever enter your vagina during sex? I've seem some that is flappy, and I wonder if it stays outside or tends to go inside? If the sex is good you wont feel it, surely? 2) Does it stay moist in your undergarments or does it dry out with fabric contact? Never noticed.. 3) Is it particularly sensitive? Please rate on a scale of 1-10 (1 being least sensitive, 10 being most). Dont feel them.. I also want to thank you in advance for your honesty and being open about this topic. Your very welcome..
Thank you morrow for participating since sooo many women apparently don't have this type of labia (or simply don't want to say so). you're a gem.
1) Depends a little on size, but yes with a longer thicker penis, they go inside. They tend to wrap around the penis like a second foreskin, going in and out with each stroke. 2) No, they tend to dry out, unless question 3 comes into effect. 3) Being smooth the clitoris is more sensitive. And yes can be 8-10 more so at certain times of the month.