Hello ladies, I had a question for you- Due to religious reasons I cannot perform oral sex or receive oral sex. In my religion, oral sex is not allowed. I've always heard that girls love oral sex, and I feel that since I cannot perform oral sex on a girl (due to religious reasons) the girl will miss out on a lot. I am allowed to use my hands however, and I will definitely use my hands/fingers on the girls clitoris and g-spot. But, I think my hands/fingers won't be as good to her as oral sex would. So, I feel that using my hands/fingers won't do much, since girls love oral sex more than hands/fingers I'd assume. If anyone can shed some light on this, that'd be great. Thanks.
Pretty much look for someone of your religion. Although I have never heard of a religion prohibiting oral sex tbh.
I've heard that Rastas won't eat pussy. Although having dreads I wonder if it is their religion forbidding it or that getting pussy juice out of dreads is a bitch. C/S, Rev J
Haha, maybe. But I have a similar situation. I hate giving hand jobs. I'm terrible at it and self conscience, and did I say terrible yet? but I love giving oral. When you're with someone whom you're committed to, you can work around things to get off. Which for me anyway is what's important, not really how you got there.
^ in what way are you terrible at handjobs? it just seems like the simplest thing you could do; either tighter or looser and either slower or faster, and he should be giving instruction as to which of the above he would like.
I think it's mostly in my mind. I don't think I ever go tight enough, but we usually need more lube so it ends up being painful.... Edit: something I forgot to mention is my partner is not circumcised, I think it would be easier if he were.
Does your religion allow threesomes or couple swapping? If you're a great boyfriend she might stay but get a fwb for oral, maybe... I would.
It's easier when they are uncircumcised in my opinion. Then the foreskin just slides up and down instead of your hand actually rubbing skin and causing friction. To the OP, I think you will be fine. Hands and penises do a good enough job if you know how to use them. You just need to find an open relaxed girl who you can talk to about this. I don't think you need to find one of the same religion. There are lots of understanding, reasonable people out there.
Sure, but a lot of reason and understanding goes right out the window when you look her in the eye and tell her sorry, my god won't let me lick your pussy.
"my religion won't let me,etc." Your religion can't do anything to you that YOU don't allow. As long as you harm no one--make your own rules for you and your girl friends life, sexual and otherwise. You are ALIVE NOW. Do you really think, given that you believe in a creator--that a creator of ALL we see in the vast reaches of space and time, really cares if a tongue is applied to a crotch? Think, man.