Alright so this is quite an embarrassing problem for me and I've had it in remission (??) but it keeps coming back. (well, it and other foot ailments) I'm talking about athlete's foot right now. Well, I immediately searched for some quick remedies I can start right now and I found a baking soda soak and so I did this tonight. 4TBS Baking Soda, 1liter of water, and soak in this for 15 minutes. So, I tried this tonight. I'm sure it cleansed the feet, but it made the flakiness just start to ache/burn (is this part of the healing process?? I can never keep track of the symptoms!!) Well, so that's the "commentary". Gave something a try and gonna see how this works. I do need to see my doctor soon for my regular checkup, just as soon as I can make an appointment (what's wrong with me??!! why don't I want to do it!?) but that could still be up to a month away!! eek! Anyway, so, question now, anyone else have or had this problem and can offer any tips or suggestions?? Thanks!
My x suffered real bad, I've never.. but people who don't wear footwear rarely do.. You need an antifungal cream, and fresh air. Keep them clean and dry. Wearing shoes, and socks makes them sweat, the longer they are sweaty, the more bugs are bread in the sweat.. Remember though, it's contagious, so don't walk around bare foot where other bare footers are..
i get it from time to time. usually i just make sure to thoroughly scrub between the affected toes with a shower sponge once or twice a day for a few days and it goes away. sometimes i squirt some alcohol on it to speed up the process.
Purely anecdotal, but likely no side effects: try walking barefoot in the garden/yard/park on a sunny day. This allows sunlight, oxygen and soil microbes to take on the fungus. My ex used this with great results.
thanks all! definitely will take all of this into consideration for the future. I think the baking soda is working, and I found the toe separating thread in "barefoot", maybe this is helping or will help keep the air flow too. Interesting thought drumminmama. To be honest, I'm interested in the "barefoot" stuff, but idk if I can do it. Yeah, might be part of my problem...meh, not really though, because I get this and other foot problems in summer when I actually am barefoot (well, barefoot in sandals so maybe not the same but), but yeah typically I'm in shoes and socks every time I'm out or even in the house sometimes during the other 3/4 of the year! So the thought of going barefoot outside kinda frightens me. I was able to walk the sidewalks last summer, but I'm also kind of afraid what lurks in the grasses. lol I wasn't always like this, but my feet have become so sensitive from my other health crap. It has been years since I stepped in grass barefoot...actually that doesn't sound as bad as walking on the shells of the beach...ugh! just too much pain for too long, sadly. :/ (it's not diabetes fyi, although sitting this much at the computer as I have been lately....yeah I need to get moving again. damn!)
hehe i was waiting for my "likes" to return...but feels so late now that I should say something... well, I did go out and put my feet in the sun yesterday..for a few...they started getting hot, so i turned around into the shade, but kept flipping around for a bit. don't know if it worked, but it was surly nice being outside!! today was waaay too hot! So I didn't even step (pun intended) foot out! (boo!)
Extra virgin coconut oil, especially between the toes. Got rid of my long standing fungal infections between some of my toes and now my diabetic feet are healthy and happy!