uuum, wow, thats a good question. hmm... well i guess it depends on every couple....like for me, i'd rather wait awhile. til' i knew for sure that I was in love. I wouldnt want to start having sex right away, like they do in movies. Cuz i dunno, to me in my opinion, sex really is shared between two people that love eachother. I wouldnt want to have sex with just anybody. So, i dunno the amount of time, but I'd wait at least a month or two or three..... why? are you in a new relationship or something?
It seems lately the real question should be "how long after sex should you worry about having a relationship". I swear everyone I know are freaks..lol (And no, there's nothing wrong with that.. )
No, I am not in a new relationship. This is just something I have been thinking about a lot since I am hoping to be in a relationship soon. Sometimes I think it would be hard to wait to have sex, especially if there is a major attraction/sexual tension thing going on, but I think it is overall for the best. I totally agree with what you said. Thanks.
it depends on the individuals, but i agree within above, you should probably wait more than ten hours. some people are together for awhile and aren't ready yet. different people and different people as couples all require a different standard or different ways of dealing with each other.
I think it is best to wait at least three minutes, if you have sex before that you're only asking for trouble.
Like it really matters It's just shagging... sure, it could mean more, but most of the time it's just for fun. So go on, have fun! And use condoms
i say sex can wait, masturbate (yeah i know thats old and have been said a million times but im sayin it again )
You should wait at least until it is dark. That way if things don't look as good as you had hoped, you can just turn out the lights.
Some things fall in to place and some people are weak to hormones. I mean me and Jason are so perfect for each other I'm gawking. I love every inch of him. Its crazy. I had sex with him the first time we hung out, then a week or so later we did it again then jammed on the guitar together. Its just an activity we connect with and do together. Plus he's so caring, gentle, and laidback. Its awesome. Whater works on your OWN comfort level, don't worry about other people's viewpoints or habits. Transform your own relationship because maybe you'll miss a perfect moment.
For me, personally, I refuse to see it as "just shagging" (there goes your chance, Chuck ). It would have to mean something for the both of us. I can't put a specific time period on it, but for my first time, I couldn't see it happening before a month of knowing the guy. It would really depend on how much we talked and how much time we spent together during that period.