Question about medical marijuana doctor confidentiality?

Discussion in 'Medicinal Cannabis and Marijuana' started by jhf431, Jul 25, 2014.

  1. jhf431

    jhf431 Guest

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    just got my recommendation certificate letter from a med doctor a few days ago...and at the end i specifically asked the person up front if the records go out to my regular physician who's name i listed on the paper(per their requirements) but without a location,and he said NO everything is this usually the case...sometimes i get paranoid about the records getting out.The fellow at the front said that 80 percent of people that walk in have the same question,anyway he said confidential
  2. unfocusedanakin

    unfocusedanakin The Archaic Revival Lifetime Supporter

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    It's very easy for one doctor to not know about what another prescribes for you. This is why pain pill addicts can "doctor shop" and end up with 30 day prescriptions for a few of them each month. But even if your normal doctor does know why does that matter? I am sure he is aware of medical marijuana but the reason he does not deal with it is the legal gray area. As I am sure you figured out you have look for specfiic doctors who take that risk. Even in a medical state the DEA can come in and say in their opinion (even though they are not doctors) they do not think this medicine is appropriate to prescribe. But even if your normal doctor does not agree he can not undo that prescription. You have it now.

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