Well my cousin goes too northpoint note this is not about him well he is under a drug contract they do saliva drug test I’m gonna be going too northpoint I thought I was just seeing a therapist but might latter on be seeing a doc that might take over my meds he has never been test well my mom is going out of town in 2 weeks I got some old edibles I thought about doing I see a therapist next Wednesday don’t know how long a saliva test detects a pot I don’t know for sure if I’m seeing a doc I wanna be prepared I guess I’ll find out next Wednesday if I’m seeing doc
Just because it’s legal does not mean that they don’t test for pot they’re not gonna prescribe a controlled substance if’ your getting high off marijuana, that would not make sense. The whole reason the drug test is too make sure you’re not doing other drugs with it or off selling your pills
Well I’m not risk losing my anxiety meds it’s not worth it with how bad my mental health is I don’t even know if f I will see a doc first visit id with a therapist
She leaves Wednesday February1th 2 weeks and I go too north point next Wednesday I’ll find out more what they plan on doing
I got paperwork won’t be seeing a therapist or doc in the first appointment it was very misleading they said that would only be seeing a therapist not a doc
I’m gonna go too Walmart tomorrow and get a drug test kit see if I pass if I do then I know if I did a gummy one time I’ll pass
Well they only have urine test at Walmart so I’ll go with that and I don’t even know when I’ll see the doc my cousin said it takes awhile too get into the doc he says they only test when you see the doc if your stable they see you evey three months I thought it was Radom drug testing
Have had previous saliva tests with my employer. The testing agent can set the sensitivity of the test. Set it easy or set it strict. Hopefuly you can control how long the swab is in your mouth, remove asap. Passed the test on an eleven day abstenice period, 5 yrs ago. More recently one could pass on 3 day abstenice period. Now, no testing at work here. Ive heard gossip to confirm your concerns, an oxy script was cancelled due to a positive saliva test. Not sure about anxiety meds.
Yeah I don’t even know it could take weeks to get into the doc and they don’t test you on first doc visit my cousin said my mom is going out of town in 2 weeks I wanted one last time too possibly do it and it would only be a one time thing first appointment is next Wednesday they don’t set you up with a therapist Or doctor till another time