Quality vs. Quantity

Discussion in 'Cannabis and Marijuana' started by The Caterpillar, Sep 10, 2005.

  1. The Caterpillar

    The Caterpillar Member

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    This relates a lot to a thread I just made, but I figured this subject deserved it's own room for discussion, so...

    Which do you prefer? A lot more of the cheaper pot, or a lot less of the better green? I myself am not sure which I prefer. I don't smoke joints that often but when I do I usually go with shwag because it uses up a lot of pot.

    Do you think that the quality affects your highs in ways that the quantity cannot catch up with? For example, no matter how much shwag you smoke, do you find that it will never give you as enjoyable a high as dank?

    I am currently trying to decide whether I should just shell out more dough all at once for the dank, or use little of my money to buy the shwag and just smoke more of it.
  2. mushie18

    mushie18 Intergalactic

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    quality, for me, but everyones different. schwag produces that lethargic high, and tastes gross.
  3. The Caterpillar

    The Caterpillar Member

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    Yeah, I was just going to ask, does anyone else find that when they smoke a lot of bowls of schwag, it gets them high but it also gives you that sort of burnt-out feeling? Like you just don't wanna do anything, you wanna lay down and fall asleep. Plus, I never get a heavy case of laughing when on schwag, and that's a high-light ;) of smoking weed
  4. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    eventually with mids or schwag (especially schwag) if i keep on smoking i wont get any higher, i'll just have less pot and feel sleepier. also i may get a headache pretty often if its really bad pot. if its nugs i can just keep smoking till i dont want to anymore, and it usually wont knock me out or anything....more variety of flavor, more variety in type of high, etc.

    i could get a quarter of mids for 45, or i could get an eighth of nugs for 50. so long as the nugs aren't so wet it would be reasonable to think they came straight off the plant into the sack, i'd much rather buy an eighth that looks like as much as a quarter (because its fluffy and light) gets me high as long or longer than a quarter, and tastes, feels, smells, and looks better than a quarter of inferior quality grass. usually though the nuggets around here people dont let dry properly, so you're actually not getting what you're paying for. if i'm on a budget i'll often go for a quarter of lower grade pot just because i know its going to be dry.

    also, its easy to eyeball mids for the most part, but with nugs you never have any idea how dense they are until you get to sample them....i simply do NOT want to buy ANY nugs without seeing them weighed out in front of my and seeing the number on the scale myself. i've been shorted bags and it sucks....but if youre shorted about a gram of nugs it sucks way more than if you're a little low on the mids...its twice as much money you're paying for nothing....
  5. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    if i'm going to a party i may want to smoke some blunts. if thats the case, its got to be mids, cause i'm not going to be THAT generous.

    however, there is the nice, rare occasion when five people are each willing to throw down 10 bucks for a sack of nugs and smoke it all together....once baked out an auto out in the woods with a 3.5g blunt of some very nice nugs....honey flavored philly with honey smeared on the inside to make it burn slower than normal, plus the nugs will burn slower than mids to begin with.....oh man, we were all VERY REDICULOUSLY high....
  6. Willy_Wonka_27

    Willy_Wonka_27 Surrender to the Flow

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    i like a dont like shwag...i dont really like nugs. i love beasters the best.
    because you et alot and there not bad
  7. jakesanders

    jakesanders Senior Member

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    thats a hard one. it comes to if you want an ok high many times, or a great high a few times, if you're on a budget. id go for the dank...
  8. Oz!

    Oz! Hip Forums Supporter HipForums Supporter

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    hmm....if yer on a budget then I'd say buy the best yer can...better to have a coupla really good smokes.....than half a dozen mediocre ones....

    i buy both personnally (well, i usually get some some low-grade hash thrown in for free anyway)....depends on me mood which I smoke :)
  9. RoamingGnome

    RoamingGnome Member

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    I prefer to have alot of decent quality mids. I don't have a very big weed budget, and if I spend all my money on a small amount of nug, it won't last long. I have no self control. Of course, I'll splurge and treat myself everynow and then when I have extra funds. As long as it isn't complete shit weed, I'm happy.
  10. jojoeyes

    jojoeyes kinda high

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    quanity...its faster to get stoned and most people dont know like good shit from bad shit by looking so i can get the good shit for the same price hahh
  11. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    now thats not true at all.
  12. Smurfing-Nibbles

    Smurfing-Nibbles Member

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    Id go for the quality, tastes better, healthier and why would u get shit for the same high when u could get something decent
  13. jojoeyes

    jojoeyes kinda high

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    wait i ment quality, and seriously this kid sold me some shit last night he said it was schwaggy and gave me a dime for five bucks and i could see crystals and it was sticky...haha i got so high today
  14. Colours

    Colours Senior Member

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    I prefer regs. lots and lots of regs. when i buy 20/g i feel like ive wasted money.
  15. TrippinBTM

    TrippinBTM Ramblin' Man

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    almost always go for quality over quantity. Better weed is better, period. Though regs can be pretty good too, but only sometimes. I don't like having to smoke so much.
  16. nesta

    nesta Banned

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    a dime for five bucks isn't a dime. its a nickel sack. while different areas have different standard masses for a dime (here a dime of mids is 1.3-1.75g, nugs its always .7 but thats a supreme rarity to find someone even willing to bother with such a measley quantity) but regardless of what you would expect to get, its only a dimesack because you pay 10 dollars for it.

    anyway, if people around you are really that dumb, then you're a lucky guy. all the people i smoke with can tell you what you've got without even opening the sack. if your DEALER is that dumb, you're an even luckier guy. but my -guess- and don't take this the wrong way, would be that you haven't smoked REALLY REALLY good stuff often enough to know, and you probably just got some really good middies.
  17. jojoeyes

    jojoeyes kinda high

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    i took it the wrong way. lol

    nah man that shit i bought last night i smoked and two bowls (kinda packed) got me and four friends really high...ah it was a good smoke. but whatever...this kid isnt really a dealer, he just gets it from his dad who has it for med purposes and then sells a lil to me. hes not too quick...lol guess i am really lucky
  18. TopNotchStoner

    TopNotchStoner Georgia Homegrown

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    I usually go for midgrade or beesters. But if I'm celebrating or if it is a special occasion I will buy some DANK ass $100/quarter shit.
  19. boothy

    boothy Senior Member

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    $100 a quarter? Woah... I wouldn't pay that for the best weed over here....
  20. TopNotchStoner

    TopNotchStoner Georgia Homegrown

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    I live in south eastern U.S. so dank buds are pretty rare and have to be bought from hard to find home growers or imported from other states. But to me its worth the price. Besides, good midgrade in my area goes for $50/quarter. I know it sounds rediculous, but that's how it is down here in DIRTY GA.

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