My husband is a member of Q and a conspiracy nut. Anything put forward by Qanon, he believes. It drives me crazy.
Oh man! Sorry for you. They are playing right into the hands of those that wish to tear this country apart. In fact they are some of the hands.
My republican friends and I decided to never discuss politics again after several heated conversations. We remained friends , but would not have, had we continued to talk politics. They are all dead now, but I'm sure they would love trump if they were still around. They knew to turn "Fox news "off when I was in their houses.
I have to listen to hours of Faux News. Breaking news! Fucker Quarrelsome,Sean Insanity, or Greg Guttful have to report...oh wait. It's just more broken olds. Spare me. And the Q stuff is even worse. Hillary and her Democrats eat babies! Late term abortions are encouraged so they can get chemicals from their little spinal cords and stay young! Most of all, God sent Trump to save America, if not the world.
Yes, I'm just so far in left field ----the republicans are right--Q is truthful, Briebart is the only-----oh wait----lost my mind there for a minute!!
My husband calls me a bleeding heart liberal leftist. But he does believe in Q...and he loves Breitbart too. He says Steve Bannon is one of his heroes...
I just laugh a lot. It's easy with Trump and Faux News on. I"'ve been with him for 28 years. For twenty three of them, it was Trump free. I expect the next election will give America a Trumpectomy.
Bannon always looked to me to be someone who has just been woken up from taking a drunken nap in the gutter in front of a dive bar and asked to say political stuff.
I am glad you can express your thoughts without being attacked by right wing nuts. The hate they express is unfounded in reality and simply a reflection of their own inner flaws.
They want us to offer them freedom of speech while they deny the same to other Americans. The Trump Nuts are not very patriotic.