Tennessee Titan Football player Alterraun Verner was named after the planet Alderran from Star Wars but his parents misspelled the name on his birth certificate Hotwater
Alderaan (Home of Princess Leia Organa) the second planet in the alderaan system, later destroyed by the death star I bet Bird_migration gets it Hotwater
The only advantage is that possibly your name would be so unique that no one else would have it. Now the question would be who else might want it?
i would certainly want a name no one else would have or want. that's why i call myself themnax. and use and go by themnax everywhere and anywhere i can. i never changed my name to it legally when my parents were alive, because i didn't want to make them feel bad. now that they're gone, the reason i haven't done so is i'm afraid of messing up my pension i live on. but as far as anyone beside the bank and the government is concerned, my name IS themnax.
That sucks. Terrible name. I had a science teacher who was skiing in the mountains where they shot The Empire Strikes Back at the time they shot it. When I was in his science class a girl pulled out her large breast to show me that her nipple was pierced. That's my Star Wars story...