when i went to safeway tampons where under this shelf that said 'femine protection' i thought id find a big butch bguy sitting under it.
doritos, apples, rice krispy treats, cup cakes, graham crackers, cake frosting, cheese, a monkey daiper, peanut butter, bread, jelly, grapes, pepsi, stuffing, a turkey, nachos, more cheese, fruity pebbles, coco pebbles, milk, fruit loops, waffles, water, pop corn, ice cream, gummy bears, gummy worms, gummy anything and an orange
pick me up LIST Apple Banana Cat Dog Egg Fart Garbage Hippy Ice Jump rope Kilt Lamp Monkey Nipple Octopus Pancake Quilt Rake Staple Turtle Unicorn Violin White Chocolate Xylophone Yard stick Zipper Thanx...and get your self somthing while ur out