which do you prefer... john bonham (led zeppeilin) or mitch mitchell (jimi hendrix experience)? and, uh, WHY?
I'm definately going with Bonzo on this one. Moby Dick was a highlight of his creativity, even when it wasn't always that exciting. Plus, he had more variety to deal with just because of the band he played in.
Bonham. Mitchell was great, too, but Hendrix obviously was the center of that band. John Bonham was a huge part of the sound of Led Zeppelin, and was notorious in Britain even before Zeppelin joined. Plus, you've gotta love a guy who ate 27 bananas right before a show, ran around naked on stage before someone else's show, owned a bull farm, and coated his drums with aluminum foil.
thats like having to choose between, i dont know... But Jimmy Page was no Hendrix, and Mitchell did a fucking amazing job keeping rhythm for him.. so there's my vote.
I MUST go with John Bonham.....I have respect for all musicians...especially drummers.....but.....Bonzo was something else.....he was.......different..not only does he play in my favourite band...but he's extremely talented. So my vote definitely goes to Bonzo! Led Zeppelin Rule!
Mitchell was by far a more skilled drummer than Bonzo but sometimes skills arent exactly what you need. I think Bonzos feel for the drums can never be replicated so my vote goes for John Bonham.
Bonzo was the reason i started playing the drums. and although Mitchell was a more skilled drummer, he couldn't hold a light to Bonzo in my opinion.
no one can compare to bonzo, MAYBE just maybe neil peart (he was more technical). Good god was bonzo crazy