New super-pure silicon chip opens path to powerful quantum computers This news came out a day after Intel announced their new quantum chip, that uses the electron spin to pack even more qubits onto one chip. The closer they are together, the more precise and flawless the features on the chip have to become. Their "advance" uses standard equipment in any fab plant, and is as simple and stupid as it gets for silicon chips. Which means Intel are now the only people on the planet, with a machine that mass produce quantum chips, with up a million qubits, that any lab can cool down with liquid nitrogen. Of course, their chip is 2d and, for the best results, you want a 3d quantum computer chip.
The Quantum Computing Race Gains Momentum ( This is obviously an AI generated article, by a no-name publisher, that Microsoft saw fit to push to the top of the news. Both Intel and Nvidia stomp on any reviewers that criticize them, and Intel even creates their own reviewers for their products. Being a government regulated monopoly comes with its perks. Anyway, this is Intel and the Pentagon telling everyone to be prepared to invest in quantum computers next. The chips they're making right now, are for research and servers, but there's no reason even the cheapest and stupidest chips in your calculator or whatever, can't work a million times faster. Between Google, Intel, and Nvidia, you can be guaranteed the first use of the next generation of these chips, will be to create a quantum AI computer, to rule the internet. Anybody can make a quantum computer, but these chips can be plugged into the internet backbone, anywhere. They are preparing to cut China and Russia off. Either Russia goes broke, and China capitulates, or all hell will break loose. Right now, the Russians and Chinese are disrupting both internet and shipping lanes, and that can't be allowed. Sorry, Putin and Xi running the world is never going to cut it with everyone else.