Hi all. I'm a 65 year old male and been married for forty odd years, my wife is same age. I have persevered for years putting up with a woman who has such a low sex drive. Sex has always been with the lights out without much foreplay. I would love to give my wife oral sex but she told me years ago that it was disgusting and thought bad of me for even thinking of it. She does give me oral sex but, her eyes are always closed and stops long before I ejaculate. Cumming in mouth is also a no no. I have put up with this for far too long. She also has long pubic hair, she says she will not trim it never mind shaving. I have asked her to give me what most blokes enjoy but it's always the same. She does have strong urine smells from her vagina and this is also a turn off. I have approached her about this but she does nothing about it. I always shower before bed time but she doesn't. She never gives me any clues as to when she wants sex, it's always me. I have had enough now and told her straight that I will have to look around for someone who will give me what I want. She tells me she hasn't done anything wrong. What else can I do.
Even though this has all the hallmarks of a new-member, first-posting spoof, I'm offering you an honest answer and honest advice. You're 65 and 40+ years married. You both vowed "forsaking all others" and "for better, for worse" and "until death do us part." Keep that vow. You both also vowed "to have and to hold." Your wife has kept that vow. Neither of you specified, before your now-deceased parents and all assembled, any particular grooming regimen or the inclusion of cunnilingus, eyes open, or ejaculation in the mouth. Did you? If these are your conditions, and you neglected to write them into the vows and proclaim them from the altar, that's your error, and you are just going to have to live with the consequences of your error. The practical fact is that if you are a capable man (meaning that you are physically fit, ambulatory, and have kept your mental faculties), then you are going to be one popular fellow in about 10 or 15 years in the assisted living facility where you will spend your final years, should your wife predecease you. Because women typically outlive their husbands by about 5 years and men who do live long do so in a dissipated state, the ratio of women to capable men in the assisted living facility will be about 20:1. If you don't mind odd goods, you will enjoy good odds, vey good indeed. Should your wife outlive you, she'll have to compete with the other widows for the few capable men available, but she's almost sure to find one who doesn't complain about pubes, urine, or eyes-closed fellatio. Enjoy your golden years, new member.
Oh, and she will be the first to whine to her friends...."oh why oh why ever did he cheat on me....?" She's never going to change as you been hoping for years, so I suggest you keep a regular appointment with your hand to keep your sanity and peace in the household. Spend more "time" in the garage. "Honey, I'm not tired, I think I'll stay up and read". "Oh I think I'll go out for some air tonight, back soon" ...mix it up a bit. You deserve to be happy. Turn off the porn, it will only end up aggravating you over the seemingly normal things she just won't do for you. I'll never understand the personal hygiene issue.