PTSD, flashbacks & church

Discussion in 'Mental Health' started by Logan 5, Oct 14, 2013.

  1. Logan 5

    Logan 5 Confessed gynephile Lifetime Supporter

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    I went to church earlier, and while my pastor supports me becoming a member of our church, several thing seem to stand in the way. Not his choice but the other people in church. One in particular told me this...

    1. I don't pay tithes.
    Well, I give what I can when I can. I'm not rich, but I'm not greedy either.

    2. I'm not there every Sunday.
    No, sometimes I don't feel good. You know, so sick it's coming out both ends. But that's not all of them, no.
    Or the Sunday a month back where I decided to go take photos in the mountains instead, and ended up saving four lives.
    Or then there are the Sundays I don't show up because my PTSD is kicking in, and buddy I like you but you don't wanna see me when I'm going through my flashbacks. You served in the Navy during 'Nam. I'm happy for ya. Doesn't matter- you don't wanna see me going through those flashbacks. If you have to see what I remember, you'll scream like a little girl and pee your pants.

    Churches are supposed to be open to the people. Now it's a "click"? A "private club"?

    Go tell that to your idea of who Jesus is, and you let me know what He tells ya.
  2. MeatyMushroom

    MeatyMushroom Juggle Tings Proppuh

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    1. Most of that probably goes into the Brasso funds for polishing their statues anyway(a few assumptions there :p). There are more direct ways of giving and sharing that will probably do more good in the long run than most tithes will ever do.

    2. In my humble opinion, taking pictures in the mountains is a much more direct and honest way of practising any form of religion.. instead of pretending to be grateful in some deluded ceremony because it's the "right thing to do", you actually ARE grateful and you're EXPERIENCING.. and saving four lives? well.. nothing needs to be said.

    3. Your PTSD, fuck knows.. sucks man, but take care anyway, but very legit reason not to go.

    Bottom line: I wouldn't worry about church at all.. it's a pointless middle man. Why people think that sitting in front of an altar every Sunday is a good way to appreciate the Lord baffles me. I'm not a believer myself, but if there is a "God" responsible for everything we do, I think he'd be so frustrated because he's just given you an entire UNIVERSE to explore and appreciate.. but no, people insist on boring themselves for an hour or two every week instead, and get all shirty if you don't waste as much time as they do doing it.

    Fuck them, in the nicest way possible :D

    GLENGLEN Banned

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    Why Is It So Important To Become A Member...??

    If It Were Me, I Would Go To Church When It Suited Me, Share My

    Thoughts With God, Give Everybody A Smile, Then Drive Home...:).

    Cheers Glen.
  4. Tyrsonswood

    Tyrsonswood Senior Moment Lifetime Supporter

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    My church is the woods. Now that I once again live in the woods...

    Anyways, nobody should tell you when or how often you need to honor deity... Do what you are comfortable with.
  5. Spectacles

    Spectacles My life is a tapestry Lifetime Supporter

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    One of the reasons I left church behind was people pretending to be religious one hour a week when they spent the rest of the week tromping on other people. When they spend their hour putting others down, it definitely would not be a healing situation. The Jesus I learned about would never act that way.

    I prefer to spend my spiritual time in nature when I can. Hoping you can find some peace. :grouphug:
  6. junglejack

    junglejack aiko aiko

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    Church- ?- Not for me- -

    I used to get counseling, and still get some medS from the VA....
    I know a lot of folks want to help and want to understand , PTSD is a scary thing,,feeling at times like your never going to get it together is fucked up-
    Its been so many years that I very rarely(like not in years) have any episodes - every now an then I speak at a meeting - I would never suggest religion or going to a church- -But if someone wants to> I wont discourage it-(Hell, I did the catholic school thing for 10yrs) -whatever the fuck helps
  7. deleted

    deleted Visitor

    Im the token white guy in the all black church. Just visiting..

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