Psychiatry is Political

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Eleven, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. Eleven

    Eleven Member

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    While I wouldn't tell a depressed person not to take an antidepressant, I'd view psychiatrists with a healthy dose of skepticism. All counter culture folks should be wary of psychiatry. Activists, free spirits, atheists, pagans, anarchists, adolescents, women, etc. How can we empower ourselves against the medical pharmaceutical complex?

    Review them online! Before going to one, search the internet for reviews by their former patients.

    There are several sites for these reviews, nowadays.
  2. ginalee14

    ginalee14 eternity

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    psychiatry is the antichrist.
  3. YouFreeMe

    YouFreeMe Visitor

    I would imagine that the best way to avoid psychiatrists is not to visit to one. No empowerment necessary! I would talk to a good psychologist who can help suggest non-medical interventions for your problems.

    Or research it yourself.
  4. fraggle_rock

    fraggle_rock Member

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    Yes, this.

    But the real danger here is parents taking their kids in for treatment, and they end up doped up and develop emotional difficulties that ruin the rest of their lives.
  5. 6-eyed shaman

    6-eyed shaman Sock-eye salmon

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    I agree for the most part you're better off not visiting one.

    My parents took me to one at an early age. I grew to trust him. But all the notes he took about me were made transparent to everyone who wanted to do a background check. Even my most personal secrets :mad:. I've told other doctors I've had that I smoked pot, and they kept that under wraps. Not my psychiatrist though. My sister is training to be a psychiatrist and it kills me inside. :(
  6. Individual

    Individual Senior Member

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    Sort of like sending them to Federal government regulated schools.
  7. Coleco

    Coleco Member

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    I think phsyciatry, which is basically the study of the human mind, is just one of those things that are not well understood. I feel that if it some day manages to advance big time, we will look at phsyciatry today the same way we look at doctors who would use leeches to treat people's sicknesses back in the day.
    Ill give phsycologists credit where its do, recognize where they are most certainly correct... But I still strongly disagree with a lot of shit that they do, and alot of it I dont really disagree with I just kinda am on the fence about. I remember working with phsycotic people and depressed people. Some people ive cared for are so fucking depressed that they are phsycotic(these people have a touch of dementia to top it all off though...). And every day we give them all their pills. We load em up with a huge cocktail of drugs that are supposed to treat their mental illness. All I ever see is them taking their pills and... Well their still fucking crazy or depressed as ever!
    I can see why they load up the crazy people on "anti phsycotics" all the time. I dont know why they call them anti-phsycotics because the only thing that they really do is slow them down and make them tired so they dont act out on their crazy thoughts as often, or keep them unmotivated and exhausted.
    Only thing depression meds ever seem to do is give people side effects. You load them up on citalopram or something and there still miserable as fucking hell.
    Then ever so often you run them all back to their doctor, tell em all the symptoms their having, all the crazy shit they do... and then they change the meds again thinking its going to help. I guess the doctor just has to fuck around with the meds once in awhile so that he can say he's doing his job.
  8. ryupower

    ryupower NO capcom included

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    Psychiatry is another outlet for the FDA. Psychiatry is something that benefits from medicine and "big pharma". I find it to be the scariest outlet, by the way.
  9. monkjr

    monkjr Senior Member

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    There is a lot of truth to this.

    But the science isn't the problem the problem is marketing.

    The study of psychology and psychiatry actually points to lots of therapies which are not medications that can be just as effective as medications.

    The perversion of these sciences happens at another level and that is the influence marketing and investors from the financial sector has on research and development, in addition the the fact that Dr.'s have been pressured to cave into being drug pushers because it's the only way they can make money in a steady stream of income to pay off $1-3 million dollars from their student loans, medical supplies and office space, tuition, mortgage, and family expenses, including probably the expenses of caring for aging parents.


    If you find a way to have medical school be free for doctors you take away a huge leverage tool big pharma is using on new doctors.
  10. Anaximenes

    Anaximenes Senior Member

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  11. RandomVegan

    RandomVegan Member

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    psychiatrists are just drug pushers I was shoved into it and the stuff they fed me ruined my life, luckily I got away from it (barely survived)
  12. ryupower

    ryupower NO capcom included

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    Unfortunately, this is true. I think the major problem in the UNITED STATES in regards to that is our crazy high college tuitions. While I don't agree with needing a degree right after you get out of high school (a bad trap), a Doctorate is the only way to become a doctor. It's insanely high tuition.

    In Europe where colleges are cheaper and in some cases free, the doctors are less desperate for money, but they're still stereotyped as wanting to sell you medication. Granted, not everyone is meant to be a doctor, but while college tuition is less, it still doesn't completely solve the problem of the pharmacy industries and certain doctors who are in for the money and nothing else (by the way, this is not all of them. I am just trying to make the point that medical costs are an issue in many parts of the world)
  13. monkjr

    monkjr Senior Member

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    Glad to see someone understands what I'm saying instead of trying to tell me I'm just flat out wrong and a sheeple.
  14. MindControlledShepple

    MindControlledShepple Member

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    everyone needs to take the drug called Fuck it all.

    Wake up the sheeple from their dreams and get them off that terrible dope the docs are giving.

    Psych meds can take months to detox off
  15. RandomVegan

    RandomVegan Member

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    I managed it in a month - awful month and the DT's are really nasty but I survived
  16. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    for the more serious disorders like schizophrenia and bi-polar 1, anti-psychotic medications can help someone obtain a quality of life that would most likely not be possible without medical intervention.

    the problem, in my uneducated opinion, is that anti-depressant drugs (SSRIs, SNRIs, etc.) are being prescribed to people with mild to moderate depression and anxiety as an initial intervention instead of as a last resort. these drugs definitely help some people, but I believe that most sufferers of 'common' mental illnesses can find relief through talk therapy, dietary changes, and regular exercise.

    either that, or by changing their situation. if work is making you anxious, find new work. obviously that is overly simplistic, as many people may not have the option to leave a job to pursue something that they would enjoy more (especially if the job causing the anxiety pays more than a job that the person would enjoy), and these people often then turn to medications to cope.
  17. Gongshaman

    Gongshaman Modus Lascivious

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    Psychiatry today is still based mostly on the ideas of a cocaine addicted freak that wanted to fuck his mother...Sigmund Freud
  18. MindControlledShepple

    MindControlledShepple Member

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    I have both of those conditions but stopped my meds after only taking them a month and after they started making me convulse at night before bed.

    Took me 2 months to stop randomly convulsing
  19. eggsprog

    eggsprog anti gang marriage HipForums Supporter

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    some people die minutes after eating peanuts, but it doesn't mean that they are bad for everyone.
  20. MindControlledShepple

    MindControlledShepple Member

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    thank you obie one

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