Psychedelics for quitting hard drugs

Discussion in 'Other Drugs' started by murgatroid, Jul 13, 2014.

  1. murgatroid

    murgatroid Member

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    Has anyone noticed an effect of psychedelics diminishing or completely eliminating hard drug use? I know ibogaine is known for this effect but has anyone experienced that effect with that one or other more common side effects like acid or mushrooms? Perhaps from the induced state of meditative introspection and new outlooks? I've personally not done psychedelics in a long time due to lack of availability but I would like to do them again, especially if there's a possibility it will reduce my desire for the hard stuff.
  2. polishman

    polishman Member

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    I have heard this theory myself, and I am willing to give it a try. A buddy of mine told me about a friend who did heroin and cured his addiction through peyote and a Native American medicine man.

    I am still struggling with an addiction to hard drugs and the needle.
  3. happydude_60

    happydude_60 Senior Member

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    It's worth a try. I remember doing acid back in '80 and I was tripping pretty hard on Red Dragon blotter and was smoking. It suddenly occurred to me how unnatural an act smoking is. The very idea of inhaling a poisonous gas revolted me to the point that I had an anxiety reaction which came close to crossing over into a bad trip. Unfortunately it didn't cure me completely, but I didn't smoke for a week, with virtually no nicotine withdrawals. I was drinking one night and relapsed, otherwise it might have worked.

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