Trip foods! Post some trip foods! I just love to eat while trippin. In fact I have to. (in order to avoid bad experiences stemming from exhaustion and dosing empty stomach) So hey What do YOU like to eat when trippin? raw foods, vegetables, prepared meals, dead animal carcass.. whatever. please post. At the moment Im eating some faaaaantastic shit. I mixed walnuts with (original non synthetic ) honey! ( my parents neighbors are beekeepers) its Psychedelicious!!!!!
FRUIT! Nectarines, mangos, bananas, peaches, kiwi, oranges (hehehe Pork , watermelon, cantaloupe.... Anything soft really and the juicier the better! Fruit popsicles are good too.
Sometimes i like scrambled eggs. I really don't know why. Usually nothing really sounds that great at the time, but I can always manage to get scrambled eggs down the hatch. Those shiny squirmy little things.
feel free to bump the thread with more food ideas! I need to eat more healthy! so I'm researching. Help me get a better diet and tell me: What do you like to eat when trippin?
We had a scrumptious platter of salads, fruits, and pickles, meats and cheeses, wafer crackers, but the cold boiled eggs were just THE best.
This, 100 times over. Starfruit blew my mind, first time I tried it was on mushrooms, but just fruit in general is incredible.. it's just like an orgy for your taste buds.
GM beat me to it, but....oranges! my brother and i have made it a point to eat an orange (or at least split one) on several acid trips. tearing into the thing feels so primal, and it just tastes so damn juicy and good. i've also had a delicious pear once while tripping. i started laughing when i thought of the "LOL WUT" pear. i've even eaten steak while tripping on acid. it was delicious, but a little weird... but yeah, i'm gonna echo GM again and say Fruit - the juicier the better!
My post shroom trip food is always Taco bell bean burritos and orangina. It is like mana from heaven in the afterglow of a good trip
Same with tripping as rolling: I have a protein drink (same as I take post workout) and maybe a few bites of an almond butter and preserves sandwich on bread that I bake (I put up the preserves too). When I was young I often tripped on an empty stomach, because of the idea that food would somehow kind of cloud the experience and that I could create my own energy anyway. Not my only mistaken notion.
If you are normally healthy, a person can go for 6-8 hours without food no problem. Never been hungry while tripping anyway. Favorite after-trip chow; 2 jack-in-the-box tacos, a breakfast jack and a large orange juice
acid lasts longer than 6 or 8 hours. and it would only be that long without food if you ate immediately before dosing. i like to dose an hour or two after a light meal, and i usually eat something after the peak.
I have been hungry (well got an appetite) while tripping on shrooms but that was the only reason I (tried to) eat something. I did not enjoy eating at all, every substance except drinks felt too strange to try to get in my stomach. With most of my trips I never felt the urge to eat at all. I rather have some stuff available just in case if I get hungry but rarely touched food during the trip.
the last time i tripped i ate my shrooms with some sprees, ate nothing during the trip, didnt even get the erge to eat ne thing.