I need some new things to read. I'm about to finish Timothy Leary's autobiography and I'm looking for something psychedelic realted. I'd like to read some poetry or short poems on or influenced by it, but also suggest novels, books on drugs, etc.
The Joyous Cosmology-Alan Watts Archaic Revival-Terence McKenna I havent read the second one, but the first one is incredible.
excerpts galore in the entheogen chrestomathy section at www.csp.org reviews & stuff at www.erowid.org & www.lycaeum.org lotsa goodies at www.psychedelic-library.org & ummmmm www.druglibrary.org & sites like hoffman, heffter, eleusis, thefane, alchemind, psychoaction, spiritplants, entheogen.com, bluehoney, hyperspace.... check them links & webs search engines... hey... ( the watts book is pulled from psych-libr, but still lurks in the books section at www.acidmagic.com but the printed book has these incredible b&w photos that sometimes just vibrate thusly... whew...)
The Doors of Perception by Aldus Huxley. Twelve by....Nick something, I can't remember. Go Ask Alice (supposedly a real diary of this girl who went on drugs, but the real author admitted it was mostly fiction. Still a good read tho.)
the doors of perception by alduos huxley is supposed to be really good. timothy leary probably has more stuff you would be interested in. if you just loook on amazon for any psychadelic material, you can usually find good material in related links, which is like a chain that never ends! you can even read excerpts for some of them... to see which ones would suit you best.